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What is your favorite movie?

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First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
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Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nostalgic Rain

Just got back home from my usual jogging track, rain started to fall afterward. I wonder I bore the luck from wetting my clothes or I just missed something wonderful ..

Rainy day always reminisce my childhood. Kids have always been told not to play under the rain especially when there was a thunder roaring as a sign of threat. Seem like I always forgot my mother's advice whenever I was lost in that shower of joy. I would bring an umbrella with me, not for shielding but to ride against the violent wind, to went against the airfoil. Silly me, I never knew the Iron rod of the umbrella could have attracted the lightning and to burned me into ashes. Though, I never regret doing that. Those thrilling experiences were indescribable by pure ABC, It's something you have to feel for yourself.

Since I moved to town area three years ago, I lost the sight of carefree kid kicking in the placid puddle and rattling in the rhythmic raindrops. In fact, I don't get to see any child come out to play anymore. Maybe people in the town represent the upper class and they act more civilized. They are taught to have manners and to behave but they often forget having fun is the most important of all, so here gone the tranquility. I always love the fact that those simple things in life could make me so happy and giggle like a child. More or less, people are changed by the environment factor including myself. I realized I'm no longer the same kiddo who do things his own way. As we grew older, we have more responsibility to bear, more rules to bind on us.

Isn't it Irony? When we are little kids, we always wish to claim our freedom as soon as we turn 18. Then, we would wish for a time machine to bring us back in time where we have no worries - an ideal place like the Never Never Land. Sadly, we all have to grow up as this is part of the biological nature we are tied to, the same way we are tied to the ocean. I really miss my time period in Balik Pulau, I might not live there forever but It makes me appreciate what I have. Cause I shall soon be parted from my current place and by that time another memory will be born..
home sweet home ..


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