HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

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Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gaga is the Top?

So what exactly is fame and when is trend a trend? Simple, you either have to be a country girl like Taylor Swift or a geek like lady gaga. Which is pretty obvious, an ideal trend would be something close to monster or fairy tail theme, agree? So I take you already watched the latest Lady Gaga Ft. Beyonce's music video - Telephone. If you haven't, I posted the video url somewhere here. Go watch it before the video got censored. Well, it already got censored but I got a feeling that youtube will spoil the fun part of the video as usual. I watched it for the first time but I didn't get it. Then I watch it for the second time, I was like ooOoo... and wait, Lady gaga doesn't have a d*ck? So how on earth can she top somebody else? Okay, why is my mind always go there? Sigh* Shame on me ><

And erm.. I always wonder how our celebrity being discovered. How the manager hooked up some promising artist that walked the world like any ordinary people.. And then after the artist got famous, the manager started to brag "Hak I knew she was a rising star at my first sight" Surely you see lady gaga few years back then with that hairstyle, tight leather and jeans, walking on the street, you will say something like"Girrrl what are you? This ain't gaga Halloween" But look at that champ now, she stood on the Grammy stage with Elton John, both heads up high with pride. Not awkward at all ... lol Love' em!
What would be my favorite gaga song.. poker face or bad romance? IDK.. I still can't make up my mind but I'm taking a liking to telephone. Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.. *cough cough..


Glamour Zombie said...

Lady Gaga...sound so sexy...
Taylor beautiful
britney her song much much^^
i love three of them...

Ken said...

Yeah Yeah Love 'em all.
Long Live Gaga, Taylor & BS.

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