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  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
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Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Friday, March 19, 2010

Blue Moon

I look up the Internet for the St.Patrick's day cause I not sure what is was. But I'm not going to blog about it since It was two days ago, March 17th. But look what I found today.

"As we reported earlier, according to the Twilight universe, today (March 19th) is St. Marcus Day. In New Moon, St. Marcus Day celebrations are being held in Volterra when Alice and Bella arrive to rescue Edward. In the books, the day celebrates St. Marcus ridding the city of vampires. Alice comments that this is ironic, since the vampires never really left — and if Edward followed through with his plan to expose himself, he would prove that vampires were still alive and well in Volterra.

But is there really a St. Marcus Day?

Well, sort of. But in real life, the day is held on April 25th and it is the Feast of St. Mark. Stephenie Meyer called it “St. Marcus Day” in New Moon, to suggest that “Saint Marcus” is actually Marcus of the Volturi."

In conjunction to Saint Marcus's day, I wrote this poem :

l'heure bleue

Awaken me underneath the new moon
New moon symbolize new beginning
The swan rang as loud as a bell
Bella drown but fail to yell
Now we know she was mouth-watering

Awaken me underneath the full moon
Full moon symbolize full completion
The psy-hound wear hairy jet black suit
Jacob bare chest not helping his animal side
Now we know why he loves rabbit

Awaken me underneath the blue moon
Blue moon symbolize holly day
The St. Marcus's day on March 19th
Edward's day-view exposing his chest
Now we know where to find hairy man.

This is bonus spoof video - new moon

You know me. I'm civilized.X0X0


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