Pasembor, whatever you spelled it. I still prefer to call it "green fish" as translated from my mother tongue, Hokkien.
Hawker food - This is exactly what I've miss out after moving out of Balik Pulau. This "green fish" is one of the best among the hooker stalls: Laksa, Curry Mee, Hokkien Mee, Tom Yam Mee, Mee Goreng, Fried Kuey Teoh, Kuey Teoh Soup, Fried rice, Burgers and many more. They bring back childhood memories, a nostalgic one. Always remind me Balik Pulau is like a mother womb - warm and fuzzy.
Yesterday, one of my family member had a yield of 15 worms on the surface of excretion. That did cast a fuss when we totally have no idea what that "black and slighty moving thing" is. Could it be tapeworms that drain up the host's nutrient or worst, it can be contagious. Freaky! Glad to have an experience doctor and a nurse at home to clear things up. Uncle cheng theng which is a doctor explained that no matter the color or the size, they are still worms in your body. Then my aunt which is a nurse shared her experience of a little boy who yelled in pain suddenly stripped naked to take a shit in the drain, two golf ball-like worms came out in a tangled and twisted form. The little boy is cured right away. That's disgusting! And she said everyone of us have worms in our body and nothing much we can do about it. Add up to that horror, my uncle said he read an article about the body worm : The Queen Worm sneaks out of the host's anal hole to lay eggs and creeps back the same way it gets out. Usually, that only happens when you are asleep. That explains why the hosts have itchy and uneasy feelings on the lower part of the body!
Here is the pills from Noxworm and this should paralyze the worms in your body and force them out of you body. Everyone in my family took two pills just in case we share the same issue ( we had the same meals everyday, just in case the raw foods we had is the real cause)
Just had some supper: chocolates, roti canai and satae. My stomach still feeling okay, no sign of uneasy stomach yet. But I definitely not going to show you guys the worm photograph afterward. What do you expect to see in the toilet bowl anyway? Something unpleasant and deplorable of course. Btw, the layouts of Noxworm is cute. Could it be a marketing strategy to attract more kids customer. I heard kids got more worms growing in their stomach, true or false? *shrug*
Still no sign of upset stomach. So..Let's be patient and see what this two little pills can do.
"green fish"??? lol... wat la u.. haha.. so cute nia... btw, i din eat tat for lik so long ad lo... sad sad nia.. miss all msian food... argh!!! n mostly the price of the foods... sad.. sad.. sad..
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