In this blog, I'm going to teach you how to catch a beetle lol
First, you need a beetle that flew in your room and swarmed around like mad to finally caught your attention
Then, you hit it with flat mirror to make it stay in one corner. Find something containable like plastic bag and creep towards it in 3 2 1!
Walah, now the beetle is trapped by the Hero of the day!
Now anyone fancy fried beetle?
My very first 3D experience on "How to train your dragon 3D at gurney plaza. I had to wear my own glasses which make it 4D perhaps? lol no, It was Irritating cause the glasses slipped away most of the time.
Look at that, my friend lend me his shirt and they let me stay for the night.^^
2 comments: dear my dear is the hero...
毓雰here..weixuan's friend
I wonder what happen to that beetle?
Anyway, it was fun. ^^
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