As the other day, I was browsing Youtube I'm surprise that Edward Cullen from the Twillight movie is still a hot topic around. They even make a spoof video out of it. It's like Edward Cullen is unbeatable! Stephenie Meyer did create an undying Fictional Immortal after all.
Personally, I do agree new moon is quite a let down, I like the first chapter better. I've read the book.. New moon's storyline centered on Bella, too much Bella's undying love until I sick of her Irony. The whole nightmare things pretty much dragging along and also not explained well in the movie. Overall new moon is confusing, the book just so so but not that awful to read. But If you like reading books regarding vampires, I'll suggest you go for Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead instead.
I honor her as the original creator of Vampires.
I found this spoof video of Edward Cullen and This is the best one so far.
Almost laughed my head off L-O-L
So what you guys think about Immortals? Would you live as a 104 years old Immortal?
Good announcement to make today. I just go through my school office for nearly 4 hours long, waiting most of the time and finally get them to certified all my documents and certs. (yeah, finally done!) One more step towards my planned schedule, everything went perfectly fine.
One good thing for being Immortals over a mortal is that they can have their whole life to be wasted on, I mean they can't die right. Over centuries and centuries to live (Ignore New Moon's Italy Volturi theory) xD
As tvb artist 柴九 or better known as Wayne Lai say : "人生有多少十年!" (How many decades of life of a mortal can have)
Holding the same belief, I definably aiming for a vibrant glory life for the remaining 'ten years' I can have.
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