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What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

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Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Friday, March 12, 2010

I.C. replacement / Hot Day!

Went to JPN today to get my 18-years-old Identity Card Replacement. Good timing because my Mykad chip is ruined for the gazillion times. I thought JPN was just a stone's throw away from my house so I walked there. Bad idea ever.. Even at 3 something, strolling under the hot sun felt like hours and hours of sun basking in desert of Utah. Reached there, my number was just two waits away, lucky me.. Then bad thing always happen, they had 'little' difficulties here and there, added up the 'little' things they got big problem in return. At least they didn't bother to hide the fuss scene but always claim it to be minor "technical difficulties". In other word, more waits for me. As time pass by, they made more calls and other people in watch did their best- unfortunately , they did best in watching and talking. After acknowledge me watching impatiently, they finally asked me to get back to my waiting seat while they 'solve' my problem, which is difficulty in changing my home address =='. FYI, changing address is one of their jobs and they should familiarize in this field already, the institution is not new. Finally my name was called, the photo-shot was quick and the next thing I knew was other people in queue jumped in and I didn't get to see my photo. I was informed to collect my I.C ten days later. Hope it turns out good ^^ On the way back, the UV light was hurting my bare skin. Is it me or the temperature in Malaysia increased steeply? IDK, I have spent most of the day in an air-conditional room and wow the outside temperature was burning like hell. I certainly don't remember the temperature was that hot compared to few years ago. I know the difference cause I was part of the Red Crescent Society elated marching group and every year we had to attend our annual marching parade held at Padang Polo. If you attended any of these parades, you should know participants had to stand still in the middle of the field and to endure the mighty eye of heaven for hours. Predictably, people faint in the process including one of the members from my school who successfully made her face to the newspaper - the first and only one in the history. Whatever happen, funny thing was someone cropped out the picture and pasted the cropped news at the school billboard. I have no idea why they did this but yes It was indeed one of the funniest prank that goes on for weeks. No sympathy for her cause she and her gang had been a bitch to me and I believe she is still being one. But from her, I learned that verbal insult is way more dangerous than physical attack. I swore I never spread any rumors and secrets around. And I certainly don't remember what I did to her to get this treatment in the first place. But hey, troubles find you.


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