Whenever that happen, I can't go out for a walk :(
Man.. I have to get back to my jogging schedule soon.. Firstly, I like to run and secondly, I got some extra fats to shed! Though I have a track mile at home but it doesn't motivates me to run that much.. sad case!
The fogging activity is pointless anyway. I still found some mosquitoes flew in my bedroom on the same day after the spraying is done. Unquestionably, I had to bring them down with this!

That's right! An electric fly swatter .. except mine don't look that fancy lol. There are two insect bites I hate the most in this world. Mosquito is one and the other is ants! Red ants and mosquitoes are certainly disturbing. But beware of black ants with big 'head', I have bitten once and I have to warn you they are very poisonous. I remember the evening when I got bitten, the poison starts spreading from the upper body and to the rest parts until my entire body covered with rashes, my face was swollen and I barely recognize myself in the mirror. Exaggerate much? The clinic and hospital was closed on Sunday and the whole night I had to leaned my body against the wall and scratches along, forced myself to sleep. Until the next morning, the physician gave me a vaccine shot and It was the most sting needle I ever had. Thx to that un-cute ant.
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