My Journey In Journal #4
Today schedule : Vaccination Appointments with Dr. Chan

Now you may wondering what I'm doing in kindergarten. It's actually a waiting room for the patient. Unique huh..

He sings:
Butter fluy fly fly.. in the gard.. fly fluy fly... butt-den.. fly fly I'm thinking :
what song is that?The other kid corrects him :
Butterfly in the garden.. fly fly
I was like
oOOoooo..I have no idea kids got their own language L-O-L

She's learning how to measure height.. How adorable..

Congratulation miss, your baby weights 78 pounds, your child is very healthy. lol I simply crap on this one but she did weighed her baby.

*Cough cough.. The feeding room.. I'm just passing by >

The feeding chair.. I swear I didn't sit on it! But a lot of Mamas did..

This look like a witch's house lol. Welcome to the haunted house

I wouldn't pick on those after seeing a kid chewed on them. Yuckk..

Where's the doctor? oh look at the screen.. I even spotted PPS lunch icon on the toolbar. Wonder which series he watching? High five if animation :)

What's in the box? Could It be animal corpse or dead babies.. Wait.. that doesn't sound right! lol

If some romance going on around the nurses I want to know.. But I don't see any male nurses around so is it still possible? *shrug

Shouldn't the confidential patient records locked away in a safe place, why they are widely available on the table? Weird..

Is it for decoration purpose or 10 out of 10 doctor are nerds? Wuu, did you spot the present on the second shelve? Someone got a crush on Dr. Chan, probably a puppy love cause Dr. Chan only consult children.. Well, I'm the special case alright.

Wow.. careful with that.. Don't misuse it for personal use.. *Ahem I mean.. weapon.. to hurt someone.. Nah It's suppose to shove in your ear or in the arse.. IDK but either way It's actually a temperature measuring device.

If you can see clearly, you can actually find three holes, new or old.

*drum roll.. here's Dr. Chan. The nurse say we look alike, how alike? The room is darker now cause I took his picture on my second visit of the day.

Went to Giant afterward and got my favorite milk. Free bowl for that!

That's how I over spent every month. $42.80 on tip-bits and drinks zZz.. Sigh..
behave behave is what I always told myself right after I bought them...
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