If you don't know who's Ellen, she is now one of the American Idol judges which means no more Paula Abdul. Honestly, I'm not sad to see Paula go, I am more excited to see Ellen DeGeneres in this show. Also, Simon Cowell going to quite and he's running his own show next year. I think It's a great lost for the American Idol. Simon has always been a great asset, he is mean but he is indeed a charming man. Speaking of which, I went to BJ complex to do some shopping today .. There was a singing competition going on but It was all malay's song so I walked away.. But It's not possible to ignore when things heated up to the max, something like this.
Now here's the thing, If American Idol needed some backup 'singers' for their audition, we got a bunch of talented people here. They are so natural. FYI, I listened to that for an hour and more. The whole building burst into laughter whenever there is a high note to hit Lmao *shake head* The girls sang slightly better, though.
Back to my shopping, I shopped 3 jackets and coats, they were super duper cheap. I mean It's imported from Korea so It shouldn't be in that price, I'm glad I bought them before someone do. :)

The Gaga Law:
(RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MAMA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)².
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