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What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
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Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby, Baby, Baby

Baby - Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris

Nice MV Justin. Can't believe he is only 16. My big brother said he sounds like a girl! My twins brother responded with "what, he's a dude?" in astonishment. Obviously the Goh's brothers have difference tastes in music and I'm usually categorized as the odd one. Lmao! Anyway this was my random crush on random song. I don't listen to music that much but I have started to pay attention to Justin since I first heard One Time. It was Okay for someone that age. I'm also a youtube fans and it is coincidentally that Justin happen to be one of the youtubers - kidrauhl. Justin explains he uploaded the songs he covers just for fun and he somehow never thought that he could make money with singing. So basically this is how he gotten famous in the first place, through the Internet. Well, he wasn't famous in the beginning until he got his singing career. Congratulation anyway.
Lucky bastard! Just kidding. Hearted him.

Baby, baby, baby oooooh,
like baby, baby, baby noooooooo,
like baby, baby, baby, ooooh.
Thought you’d always be mine, mine

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nostalgic Rain

Just got back home from my usual jogging track, rain started to fall afterward. I wonder I bore the luck from wetting my clothes or I just missed something wonderful ..

Rainy day always reminisce my childhood. Kids have always been told not to play under the rain especially when there was a thunder roaring as a sign of threat. Seem like I always forgot my mother's advice whenever I was lost in that shower of joy. I would bring an umbrella with me, not for shielding but to ride against the violent wind, to went against the airfoil. Silly me, I never knew the Iron rod of the umbrella could have attracted the lightning and to burned me into ashes. Though, I never regret doing that. Those thrilling experiences were indescribable by pure ABC, It's something you have to feel for yourself.

Since I moved to town area three years ago, I lost the sight of carefree kid kicking in the placid puddle and rattling in the rhythmic raindrops. In fact, I don't get to see any child come out to play anymore. Maybe people in the town represent the upper class and they act more civilized. They are taught to have manners and to behave but they often forget having fun is the most important of all, so here gone the tranquility. I always love the fact that those simple things in life could make me so happy and giggle like a child. More or less, people are changed by the environment factor including myself. I realized I'm no longer the same kiddo who do things his own way. As we grew older, we have more responsibility to bear, more rules to bind on us.

Isn't it Irony? When we are little kids, we always wish to claim our freedom as soon as we turn 18. Then, we would wish for a time machine to bring us back in time where we have no worries - an ideal place like the Never Never Land. Sadly, we all have to grow up as this is part of the biological nature we are tied to, the same way we are tied to the ocean. I really miss my time period in Balik Pulau, I might not live there forever but It makes me appreciate what I have. Cause I shall soon be parted from my current place and by that time another memory will be born..
home sweet home ..

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Director Of Life

Where am I
I am writing for direction
People have made their choices
Seem I'm the only left out here

Am I suitable or am I right
It's not about reassuring
You want it then go for it
Ultimately, believe in yourself

When Instinct is not blind guess
It takes courage and experience
After all life is a gamble
Either you're in or you're out

Are you with me
I could end up walking in circle
But I know It takes time
For me to get there

Why water flows to tree barks
Water is lifeless, clueless
And tree offers life, direction
They're complementing

Do not follow me
They are all lost in the crowd
Cause we're all our star
Be your own brand of hero

Head under the water
Looks like a suicide acts
Be crazy but not mad
Take It easy when life is fun

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why Women Should Rule The World

As the other day I was browsing the youtube and I found this video from The Ellen Show. It's an interview on Betty White and that old woman is funny to watch. Pay attention to Ellen when the video duration hits on 05:00.

If you don't know who's Ellen, she is now one of the American Idol judges which means no more Paula Abdul. Honestly, I'm not sad to see Paula go, I am more excited to see Ellen DeGeneres in this show. Also, Simon Cowell going to quite and he's running his own show next year. I think It's a great lost for the American Idol. Simon has always been a great asset, he is mean but he is indeed a charming man. Speaking of which, I went to BJ complex to do some shopping today .. There was a singing competition going on but It was all malay's song so I walked away.. But It's not possible to ignore when things heated up to the max, something like this.

Now here's the thing, If American Idol needed some backup 'singers' for their audition, we got a bunch of talented people here. They are so natural. FYI, I listened to that for an hour and more. The whole building burst into laughter whenever there is a high note to hit Lmao *shake head* The girls sang slightly better, though.

Back to my shopping, I shopped 3 jackets and coats, they were super duper cheap. I mean It's imported from Korea so It shouldn't be in that price, I'm glad I bought them before someone do. :)

It's only $10 but I didn't buy this cuz the cutting looks unfinished

Look how sexy my twins brother Is L-O-L

Shocked to know that my favourite tong sui's stall was actually belong to my schoolmate's father

Shout out to lady gaga and her telephone's birthday suit WOOT!

Happy Burfday Stephanie Germanotta! Ops I mean Gaga!

The Gaga Law:
(RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MAMA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)².

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour 03/27 - Show the world what can be done

As you may know today is earth hour. Few hours ago, I peeked through my bedroom window to make sure everyone in my neighborhood had switched off their light. Well, everyone but my little room. It was my twins brother who had claimed he wanted to study for his middle exam. But after some sarcastic remarks from his evil twins 'Ohh great, our last neighbor across the street had just diffused their last lamp, pretty sure we are the only one left bro' He agreed with me and so he closed his book and right after he switched off the fluorescent, he switched on another laptop to do his (due soon) assignment. Seriously? I think he missed the whole point of earth hour. LoL What's up with my ironic-talk, I'm the one who watched the TVB 8 o'clock prime time's TV show, being pretty sarcastic myself. *blush* But I honestly thought my neighbors cheated, I don't possibly think they pull off all the plugs and turned off the air-conditional. Hmm.. only If I have a telescope to prove that. Anyway, their light just went back on before 9:30. Oh well, blame the technology for abet every spoiled us.

Oh and I found this official video dedicate to EH very inspiring. I really like the candle celebration part, If Malaysia have this kind of event .. I'm pretty sure earth hour Is going globally global for sure. Well, In Malaysia we have slightly different celebration than other countries.
Check out my colleague's FB status.

Show the world what can be done

Friday, March 26, 2010

Crappy Internet Connection

Alright, enough is enough! I've spent nearly two hours on fixing my vegetable Internet connection. I don't even know what happen. I swear I didn't do anything reckless this time but It got disconnected on it's own. It's like my Internet connection got mind and body functioning on its own 'Ahh I'm quite' and there goes the ultimate blackout for 2hrs.

At first I thought I could just connect it back there so I followed the little instructions - expand my wireless radar, disable and enable my adapter, off and on my modem, restart my laptop over and over again. Still...all my efforts are poured down the drain. wooshhh... Nothing happen and so I thought it was my lappy's system went faulty cuz my brother connection is working perfectly fine and even my old PC has no problem accessing the internet!

I tried very hard to bring my lappy back to life because I thought .. 1st, It's still a brand new TOSHIBA and 2nd, If I'm going to make electronic devices my future career I have to make this thing magically run in front of me. WHATEVER IT TAKES I mumbled! And so I run a couple of tests, troubleshoot the problem and finally the system restore but the data shows that my lappy is healthy and bug-free! After all my fruitless attempts, the line just went back connected by itself effortlessly.

It's like the Internet connection is taunting me 'hey sorry boss, I hope you don't mind I took 2 hours bathroom break once awhile. I got some real sh!t going on'. Yeah, you bet I have lousy connection here. Seriously, start streaming shrimpy.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gaga is the Top?

So what exactly is fame and when is trend a trend? Simple, you either have to be a country girl like Taylor Swift or a geek like lady gaga. Which is pretty obvious, an ideal trend would be something close to monster or fairy tail theme, agree? So I take you already watched the latest Lady Gaga Ft. Beyonce's music video - Telephone. If you haven't, I posted the video url somewhere here. Go watch it before the video got censored. Well, it already got censored but I got a feeling that youtube will spoil the fun part of the video as usual. I watched it for the first time but I didn't get it. Then I watch it for the second time, I was like ooOoo... and wait, Lady gaga doesn't have a d*ck? So how on earth can she top somebody else? Okay, why is my mind always go there? Sigh* Shame on me ><

And erm.. I always wonder how our celebrity being discovered. How the manager hooked up some promising artist that walked the world like any ordinary people.. And then after the artist got famous, the manager started to brag "Hak I knew she was a rising star at my first sight" Surely you see lady gaga few years back then with that hairstyle, tight leather and jeans, walking on the street, you will say something like"Girrrl what are you? This ain't gaga Halloween" But look at that champ now, she stood on the Grammy stage with Elton John, both heads up high with pride. Not awkward at all ... lol Love' em!
What would be my favorite gaga song.. poker face or bad romance? IDK.. I still can't make up my mind but I'm taking a liking to telephone. Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.. *cough cough..

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Counting Sheep or Bedtime 'Poem'

Do you have sleepless night? What did you do when you find yourself still wide awake in 3 a.m. and woke up every 30 minutes sporadically. Gosh you know what I mean? Did you guys do something about it or you don't even care. Normally I went to grab something from the fridge or I had my powder drink made up of milk-cocoa-coffee, three odd combination. But last night, I made this poem and I know it's kinda lame, even lamer than counting big fat sheep. But don't judge.. L-O-L

My Bad Subject

It wasn't the crickets' chirp nor the soft door's click
It wasn't the psy-hounds' howl nor the fade engine's roar

Was it your trembling clasp that sold you out
Was it your stumbling feet that jerked me up
Was it your soft goodbye that echoed the room

It was a dream but it wasn't a dream
It happen before and It happen again

I'm running out of active spirit
I'm breaking down in passive despair
Clueless and hopeless

I would bawl and I would bark
But I ain't Bella Swan

I let my eloquence sweet-talk you
Like the lemon soaked in honey
But you tired of empty words

I could cry and I could charm
But I ain't Reese Witherspoon

I put on quite a show
Like the Innocent puss in boots
But you tired of specious acts

We said awful things
It's reasonable when people are upset

If we truly love each other
There will always be room for forgiveness
Unless the holes are long occupied

We all have bad subjects
Mine is love and what's yours?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Vampiry Academy series!

Official website:

First, I got to admit these are great books. Some of you might know I'm into vampire stuff cause they are very goothic-looking but hey they still represent a trend for centuries right? Now, If you are reading cheesy vampiric books .. dump that books immediately and get the real taste of Romanian mythology. I know some of you are crazy over new moon but it doesn't get me as much as V.A. does. Don't get me wrong, I'm still twilight’s fans after all (maybe I'll exclude new moon lol).

So is it better than new moon you ask? I won't even go there.. If you don't want any lie, don't ask me this question will ya? I have the full collection of V.A. series and I wanted to show you guys cause they are really good plots and characters.

I figure the V.A. author herself a.k.a Richelle Mead speaks better than me so watch this video If I ever caught your interest. You know you want it.. *wink

Behind the iron gates lies the temptation of forbidden romance ...

When love and jealousy collide on the slopes ...

This time Rose will have to choose between them ...

Bound by love, but sworn to kill ...

Scheduled to release on may 18, 2010.

Richelle Mead

Isn't she pretty.. I have read all the series, Love 'em. To tell you the secret, I actually wrapped my books for the first time. God knows how much I hate wrapping book cause the process are painful and troublesome especially when I'm on my own, no help from my brother at all.. Thank you for that! hmph.. It's not easy I'll tell you but I went through anyway. Oh Richelle pls work on your next chapter Spirit Bound and Last Sacrifice. I can't wait to see what happen next.. will Lissa ever master her spirit? Will Rose be Lis's guardian afterall? Full of anticipation.. I am happy to hear that there will be a total of 8 series and maybe more. :)

Oh and If anyone of you read any good books pls share here. I'll be sure to check them out @ borders. For now, I'll wait for the Spirit Bound's countdown.

Monday, March 22, 2010

A back-to-back date with doctor chan

My Journey In Journal #4

Today schedule : Vaccination Appointments with Dr. Chan

Now you may wondering what I'm doing in kindergarten. It's actually a waiting room for the patient. Unique huh..

He sings: Butter fluy fly fly.. in the gard.. fly fluy fly... butt-den.. fly fly
I'm thinking : what song is that?
The other kid corrects him : Butterfly in the garden.. fly fly
I was like oOOoooo..
I have no idea kids got their own language L-O-L

She's learning how to measure height.. How adorable..

Congratulation miss, your baby weights 78 pounds, your child is very healthy. lol I simply crap on this one but she did weighed her baby.

*Cough cough.. The feeding room.. I'm just passing by >

The feeding chair.. I swear I didn't sit on it! But a lot of Mamas did..

This look like a witch's house lol. Welcome to the haunted house

I wouldn't pick on those after seeing a kid chewed on them. Yuckk..

Where's the doctor? oh look at the screen.. I even spotted PPS lunch icon on the toolbar. Wonder which series he watching? High five if animation :)

What's in the box? Could It be animal corpse or dead babies.. Wait.. that doesn't sound right! lol

If some romance going on around the nurses I want to know.. But I don't see any male nurses around so is it still possible? *shrug

Shouldn't the confidential patient records locked away in a safe place, why they are widely available on the table? Weird..

Is it for decoration purpose or 10 out of 10 doctor are nerds? Wuu, did you spot the present on the second shelve? Someone got a crush on Dr. Chan, probably a puppy love cause Dr. Chan only consult children.. Well, I'm the special case alright.

Wow.. careful with that.. Don't misuse it for personal use.. *Ahem I mean.. weapon.. to hurt someone.. Nah It's suppose to shove in your ear or in the arse.. IDK but either way It's actually a temperature measuring device.

If you can see clearly, you can actually find three holes, new or old.

*drum roll.. here's Dr. Chan. The nurse say we look alike, how alike? The room is darker now cause I took his picture on my second visit of the day.

Went to Giant afterward and got my favorite milk. Free bowl for that!

That's how I over spent every month. $42.80 on tip-bits and drinks zZz.. Sigh.. behave behave is what I always told myself right after I bought them...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How To Catch Your Beetle 3D

My Journey In Journal #3

In this blog, I'm going to teach you how to catch a beetle lol

First, you need a beetle that flew in your room and swarmed around like mad to finally caught your attention

Then, you hit it with flat mirror to make it stay in one corner. Find something containable like plastic bag and creep towards it in 3 2 1!

Walah, now the beetle is trapped by the Hero of the day!

Now anyone fancy fried beetle?

My very first 3D experience on "How to train your dragon 3D at gurney plaza. I had to wear my own glasses which make it 4D perhaps? lol no, It was Irritating cause the glasses slipped away most of the time.

Look at that, my friend lend me his shirt and they let me stay for the night.^^

Read! Read! If you can xD

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tiny break from 'schedule'

I was spent today.. I rushed on everything on one single day and it feels like a long run marathoon, still have lot of catching-up for my schedule starting on tomorrow and the next day, which is my final vaccine jab and enrollment form!! Anyway, I went to gurney with my friend and his cool friends. I'm now staying with them in their rented flat for the night..This place is sure comfortable, guess I can make it my assylum place and lock up my unnessesary worries. Not much energy to blog for now.. A lot of drama going on! I'm going make up for the rest tomorrow.. It has been awhile I had so much fun. Consider that I almost have had hallucination on spiders tried to knit spiderweb all over me and coilled around my neck, gagged me in attemp to suffocate me in my very own room. Maybe I exaggerate it, maybe too much, but my point is that this sure is a hell lot better pass time compared to isolating myself from the beautiful world. Since I had finished reading my vampiry academy series, finished watching the latest series I got and seriously I got nothing interesting events left for me.. unless you consider preparing for my SAT test on 1st of may some random interesting event.. No, but it still important of course, I won't neglect it. For now, I just want to lay back and enjoy my 'holiday'.
Weee~~ Bye guys!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Blue Moon

I look up the Internet for the St.Patrick's day cause I not sure what is was. But I'm not going to blog about it since It was two days ago, March 17th. But look what I found today.

"As we reported earlier, according to the Twilight universe, today (March 19th) is St. Marcus Day. In New Moon, St. Marcus Day celebrations are being held in Volterra when Alice and Bella arrive to rescue Edward. In the books, the day celebrates St. Marcus ridding the city of vampires. Alice comments that this is ironic, since the vampires never really left — and if Edward followed through with his plan to expose himself, he would prove that vampires were still alive and well in Volterra.

But is there really a St. Marcus Day?

Well, sort of. But in real life, the day is held on April 25th and it is the Feast of St. Mark. Stephenie Meyer called it “St. Marcus Day” in New Moon, to suggest that “Saint Marcus” is actually Marcus of the Volturi."

In conjunction to Saint Marcus's day, I wrote this poem :

l'heure bleue

Awaken me underneath the new moon
New moon symbolize new beginning
The swan rang as loud as a bell
Bella drown but fail to yell
Now we know she was mouth-watering

Awaken me underneath the full moon
Full moon symbolize full completion
The psy-hound wear hairy jet black suit
Jacob bare chest not helping his animal side
Now we know why he loves rabbit

Awaken me underneath the blue moon
Blue moon symbolize holly day
The St. Marcus's day on March 19th
Edward's day-view exposing his chest
Now we know where to find hairy man.

This is bonus spoof video - new moon

You know me. I'm civilized.X0X0

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sickness Sickness go away, come again another century!

Uh Oh - Hot forehead and backache, sign of fatigue.. Not again, my body had a marathon war with pathogens and viruses! From my experience, these four symptoms : running nose, sore throat, cough, fever are BFF and they always come together. It's like what you get in a value buy product that everything come in one package but you actually paid for all the things even though It says free gift. Proven I'm right, having terrible sore throat and sporadic coughing routine at the moment.. I'm feeling a little sloth now, laziness get the best of me as I've been laying on my bed for the entire day. Great! I have a feeling that the worst is still yet to come. It's on! My body defense system full of anticipation, bring it on warriors! My minions will gag your throat and tear yours apart provided you have one.. wait.. I absolute have no sense what I'm talking about. Gosh, my head is killing me and my throat is burning like fire. No! No! I still have my next vaccine for HIV immunization (no, I'm not HIV+ It's for my uni's requirement) scheduled on Monday and I could not afford to postpone the appointment date, everything must follow the schedule. And now my strategy is to fall back to my bed and get more bed rest.. tata

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Coming Trip - Australia

"You are going to Australia"

If I heard this news few months ago I will be thrilled like a little boy at the candy store. Because I get to go with my big brother and twins brother, my godmother and my cousin, Karen! (Yet, my uncle decided to bring only me because my brothers got classes to go and the adult had gone back to work routine.) Also, that would be my first trip travel outside of Malaysia. Technically saying, not even Sabah, Sarawak or Brunei I've been to.. so Peninsular Malaysia pretty much the right term for it.

This makes me recall the bizarre awkward moment happened on me with my classmate (including my lecturer) during tuition class, they were shocked on the fact that I never been to Singapore despite I'm just staying right next to it while they originate from different other states I never heard of but have been to Singapore a few couple of times. Nothing coming out from me cause I always thought It was normal for not traveling (You know how adults tell their children plan crash happens very often) but my classmate seeing me with big exclamation on their faces, not so many coolness going around there I'll tell ya.

Another big disappointment was my flight was scheduled on may 7th but not during Easter holiday. The big plan of mine was visiting my friends at Sydney on April around the Easter breaks but my relative house locates somewhere.. erm what that place call again? Sch.. Scro? IDK but It ain't scrotum for sure LMAO. Nvm it.. All I know is that it won't happen and sorry friends I couldn't make it. *sigh.. Bye Sydney and here come my first loner's trip to Australia.

Anyway, I'll keep my expectation low for this coming trip. One thing for sure, I'm not going to stay at any grand five star hotel cause I'll be spending the rest of the week with my relative over there, It's either heaven or hell as far as I can tell.

Something telling me I should shorten this trip.. hmm..

"Hm.. Hm.."
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