HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

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Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Malaysian Passport Sux

Another morning call, I had to get my ass up as early as 7 and to travel all the way downtown and to get my passport done. I had a great time with my uncle today, we told jokes and I felt myself open up my heart a little bit more. Okay I wanted to share this joke, just one. A butter trying to commit suicide and it jumps from ten story building, what the butter becomes in mid-air? Think small, don't complicate stuff, I tried to elaborate the question just to prevent confusion. Ready for the answer? No, you are not ready for this, works your brain! Enough teasing, the answer is butterfly. . . . . Too cold? guess so.. But he smiled anyway.

Okay maybe another cold joke for my Chinese friends. What kind of animal that you can hang on the wall of your bedroom. Don't tell me spiders cuz that was the favorite response. No, people don't hang spiders in their room for nesting purpose and I still think spider is an insect anyway. Have fun thinking!

Everything went great until the mood spoiler %#@$ passport picture came out and It was killing me! It was ugly and I have to force me to use that for 5 years and 6 months! Another thing was my patient thermometer, of course I know how 'efficient' they are, two hours was my waiting time. In the meantime, I wondered around the gurney road and caught some pictures that never caught my attention before. After traveled to other great country like Australia a.k.a the land of opportunity, I gained a new sight of appreciation, either good or bad, a reputation is still a reputation.

I wanted to upload those pictures I captured on Mlb & Syd Aus here in my blog but then there was like ten tons of them and I can't really decide which was the best. Every picture was like versatility and variety of beauty in its own unique way.. But one thing for sure, you'll exhale deep when you see them, at least I am, since the scenery was still intact freshly in my mind.

Gosh, It still felt like yesterday, the day before I boarded the airplane to Australia. Everything was so fast and I do miss the people (and my friends) and the place there. The people are very well-mannered (exclude the boozers and psychos), pretentious or not, It still an honor. One thing I wanted to praise about them was they were pretty strict when It comes to traffic rules.

I never see anybody rode any motorcycles on the roads, which is pretty safe for the pedestrians. I grew up in M'sia and I know how the Only In Malaysia zig-zag take over goes and worst ever, mat-rempit case. In Aus, signal is a must and in Malaysia we worship early bird rules! In Aus, a sign 40 means 40 but in M'sia 45 only got fine lah. Btw, I was a fast and furious fans myself and I use short signal. LOL, but I'm going to change that, I promise, cross my heart and cross my fingers as well. In Aus, the cars all stop and let the pedestrian passed and never once I saw them honk to harass people, even though it was already red light.

Well, maybe once road rage I witnessed in Sydney when the car behind honks the taxi in front, the taxi stopped with power break until the yellow finally turned red. Next, the taxi driver whined down the mirror and gave the jerk behind the finger. zZzZz..

You thought stopping in a junction while risking your car getting a kiss-on-the-back and your license suspended (rule in Aus) was stupid? There was something even crazier, which I discovered later, today on my way to gurney (Between the road of BJ complex and the left-turn on the road that leads towards gurney) I saw a motorcyclist trying to rode up a 45 degree slope with an old model of ex5. My heart stopped when his vehicle reversed, I prayed for him to not fall backwards!

On second thought, he deserved it. First, it was a slope; second, it was a 'lao beh' motor; third, that was a road and what he's thinking? He could fell in a 360 degree air-spin style back to the ground and ramped over by a bus or a lorry! There, another mati katak! I'm not trying to be meanie or a hater but I know that's a dangerous act cuz I tried that on a hill with my bike and now I'm a pot calling a kettle black =}


Samuel Tang said...

it's the year of the tiger!! that's why you see tigers hanging on your

Ken said...

Hek Nice try Sam but guess again! Try to answer in chinese, it makes more sense.

Den said...

lizard??? haha..
But actually I wanted to say that spiders are not classified as insects, because
* Spiders doesn't have antennas like insects.
* Spiders doesn't have wings at all. This is also true for some insects, but there are plenty of insects out there with either two or four wings.
* Unlike the abdomen of insects, the abdomen of spiders isn't segmented.
* Insects have three pairs of legs. Spiders has eight legs.
* Spiders have eight simple eyes while insects have two more advanced, compound eyes.

Spiders belongs to a large group of animals called Arthropoda. Biologist and entomologists calls Arthropoda a phylum. The phylum Arthropoda consists of five classes of animals:
* Crustacea
* Chilopoda
* Insecta
* Arachnida
* Diplopoda

Spiders belongs to the class Arachnida while insects are found in the class Insecta.

Quote from :


Ken said...

*giggle* Alright, I give you guys a hint. The answer is an item. You guys will beat me to death right after I tell the answer.
WoW very good information den!! I always wondering about spider family, but I never really look for it. But now I know spiders is classify under Arachnida.

Den said...

item??? hmmm... i duno wor.. haha.. haiyo.. i go google nia ma.. haha..

Ken said...

hmm.. why don't you look around the wall in your room.. or your flatmate's room. what can you hang on the wall? A name of an animal but exactly an item.

Den said...

i duno la... lazy to guess...

Ken said...

Answer reveal *drum roll* ... ... .. 海豹!

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