HAPPY BIRTHDAY! is what we getting every single year.. yeah.. Nothing new or fancy anymore.. Especially now we have twitter and facebook, which means more spamming on our walls. So what do we get is an army of binary-like birthday codes spamming our screen, right on the day we aged.. And most birthday girls and boys only reply to few of the wishers and tired of the rest of the parrots. Is it hard to find another way to say Happy Birthday to someone? Check this guy out, it's nothing wrong trying to be creative but misunderstanding could lead to a broken friendship, or so I thought.

So basically there is this guy trying to say happy birthday in a creative way, opposite of dull birthday, the guy said. It may sound normal to you guys but I was truly shocked when I read that. Cuz I misinterpreted it as the antonym of the whole phrase which totally taken the whole phrase to another meaning. For a second, I thought that bold guy was cursing that birthday boy ><
Smart guy eh? Well at least it's something new. For me, I never come out with any creative phrases other than the same old happy birthday. I just came out with different tones of saying it, like Happyyyy Birthday, Happy Burfday... Happi Bathday!! or HapppYyyy BirthdayyYYY.. Sometimes monotone to ppl I hate, kidding!! =} So help me out, any ideas of wishing ppl a happy birthday in a fresh catchy phrase? Anything except for "the opposite of dull birthday". WHo knows there are other silly guys like me out there. L-O-L
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