Wow today I totally beat my own time records. I jog on my usual track and It usually took me 30 minutes to finish but today it only took me 20 minutes. I had my own time beaten down for 10 minutes short and this was pretty extraordinary for me. In addition, I never once thinking of slowing down my pace and my pair of shoes never stop running. I had never done this before, ever! It felt so great to me as it's something I've always wanted to accomplish. I know I could run on a track mile for 45 minutes straight and come back latter for another half an hour, I know I am capable of doing so since I once joined a gym for 1 month membership. I remember that was one hardcore exercise of a full 2-hours workouts I've ever spent in the gym. But speaking of my usual jogging tracks, a hill to be precise, It was an uphill battle which was a oxygen-consuming climb. I am still wondering how I did it, maybe it was all about the mind concentration and the presence.
I wish I can share the same drive on my study like the motivation I felt in the wind on my face. My friends are just like the wind. A lot of you might know I'm going to Melbourne tomorrow cuz I told a lot of ppl. I will not be here for the whole week and I really wish I can see the others soon. I still haven't pack my stuff cuz I was distracted when I found these Images I uploaded on the Internet long ago. I couldn't hide my smile when I see this .. The first one was a layout I created for my friendster page, featuring my transient gang and the second was my Young Enterprise's group photo. The third one was my colleague's group photo taken on alumni night.
Ahh... Eternal Memories...

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