HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Friendship Means Eternity

Today was a day of overwhelmed confusion and a memory of bittersweet gathering. It was a swirl of deep thoughts and mixed emotions. Whenever the note strikes, it makes me shiver and chills me to the bone... Thank you for have accompanying me the whole day today - Yu Sen, Wei Xuan and Yi Ling. (I arrange the names in the typical order such as the person who first stepped in my life) I wanted to write it down so I will remember it forever even though my sleepy eyes are struggling awake.. I ain't a verbose person and I hope the pictures I uploaded here will be my spokesperson. The picture of you and the picture of me will be my souvenir. Lastly, thx again for being my guests. The dinner was fascinating and definitely memorable! Though I have to pay for it and you guys never let me win on any of the cards game! Hahax~ Love ya guys so much!

Today was a good good day..

Nothing Truly Last Except Emptiness...

I always asked my colleague "what's the feeling of leaving?" The favorite response was "nothing".. I waited for my own day to come and now I finally understood the nothingness meant for emptiness. The more I tell myself I'm prepared for leaving, the more I felt tormented and torn apart.. even though I know I am right to leave..

I know my colleagues will absorb fully what I've written down today, the olden days was so much fun. Yesterday, a friend of mine explains to me that others had move on forward and we still lay on the same ground; That's why we still looking backward. But I know the bond we've all shared, is yet too soon to be broken, still linked us in a special way.. Once upon a time we are two best friends, the next year we are friends, the following weeks we are just merely a hi-and-bye friend, finally we are nobody but stranger. But If once upon a time I do not take my chance to know you, I will hate myself even more than now.

As the other day I've asked my buddy a strange question, he was the first one who gave me the answer I always wanted to hear. 3..2.. 1.. *snap* I almost convinced that I'm still a baby in everyone's eyes but It was the snap that cuts off the hypnotize that rang aloud in my brain for such a long long time. I know he meant it and I know I knew who am I better than anyone else who've judged me. I wrote this poem and this inspiration came from him and myself.

Forever's Little Boy

I'd my heart beaten down
But my feet forever stand
I'd my mind compelled strong
But my instincts forever hold

I'm crying my heart out
But my pupils forever dry
I'm too big to cry
But my soul forever child

I'll remember you for eternity; Your essence forever carved on my veins, just like a garden of tattoo on my heart.


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