HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Goodbye Internet Hello Nature

Few more hours later and I'll be going airborne and defying gravity. This should be the second time for me boarding a flight, my first flight was a trip to Langkawi. Finally done packing my stuff and I'm ready to go. Me and my uncle will be staying with my Aunt at Chelsea Heights, Melbourne in Victoria State for 10 days. My flight was booked on 5 o'clock, but I have to leave the house at 3:45 sharp so I decided to use my spare time to blog awhile. I promise I will take a lot of pictures of Melbourne's scenery and probably I will do some vlogs (If I'm not suck at it, I may even post them up)! This is my first trip out of Malaysia states, I talked about it on my March 17th post - Coming Trip - Australia so nothing much to add today. Yeah it's going to be a fun trip except for the math seminar lol. I'm a beach person and I pretty excited to visit the beach. I hope I won't neglect my study. But I will do my best, I will make sure I do my works and having fun at the same time. All works but no play makes Ken a dull boy. I brought some calculus books and some story books to read on the plane cuz It was a long trip. Okay I'm going to go double check my luggage, in case I miss anything. Alright, see ya guys. Goodbye Internet t.t


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