HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2nd day at Chelsea Heights.

Hey guys, it has been two days since I've arrived in Chelsea. Loving the house I'm staying in, got my own room, and McD was just a few steps away! Today is saturday and It's now 10:20. Just a recap on yesterday and today and no more post until next week, after I return to Malaysia for a higher speed of connection. Don't get me wrong, the speed here was 500 times better than the speed I own in Malaysia. Somehow the only laptop here works pretty slow and I'm like refreshing the page madly every three seconds and hoping the screen will not freeze on the next second.. Anyway, on the first day I went to springvale and visited the small town populated by the Vietnasme, been to the market and a few shops. Later at night, my uncle and I joined my Aunt and her family for dinner at one of the finest restaurant at lygon street, a classy Itallian restaurant. It was Uncle Tan's birthday and his son-in-law was having us for celebration. The dinner was great and satisfiable! This morning I boarded metlink train from Edithvale to Frankston, I went to the CBD centre for some tour. Spent most of the time at victoria street and done some window shop at David Jones. Had my lunch at one of the Chinese Restaurant, "Si Ma Guan", located at the China Town. It's great to be 18, had my first visit to the Crown's Casino and tried the "pull-to-win", yeah right... I think it suppose to mean pull-to-let-the-casino-win-all-your-money! I did won something at first and then I lost it all, It was designed, so obvious! Boarded the smart bus, p.s. way better than M'sia rapid bus! Also, boarded my first tramp, I stood all the way, kind of interesting but I got bored after a numerous ride. The evening view was nice, the placid lake under the eye of the heaven was breathtaking; Today was windless and the air was dry and humid from the yesterday light shower! Just found out from zen that Lee also went to the CBD, too bad I never bump into him on the street. I'm going to the zoo tommorrow, so excited right now! Zen suggested some place, to name a few, melbourne gaol (prison) and ACMI in federation square and Italian restaurant at lygon street (been there)! hak.. Sorry guys, the pictures have to wait, I will upload them as soon as I got back to M'sia, I may even put up some vlogs, no guarantee though.. Three words, I'm suck. Alright guys, I gtg finish up my novel and probably do some maths.. See you guys.. till then!


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