HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Life is crazy right now.. It seems like there is no time for everything and I'm here doing nothing but waiting for my planned life to lead me to where I suppose to go. If there is a fate, please guide me well as I'm now as confused as a lost deer in the urban city. As if I'm not worried enough, my uncle kept nagging me in my ear and encouraging me to have everything planned ahead - You should start thinking what type of bottle, what kind of lunch box, what brand of pens you should bring to your future school. Maybe I didn't project my vision far enough or my he worried too much. But seriously, I did considered all above.

A lot of people asked me why a far faraway place? I could have answered them but the question always caught me off guard. I don't have a definite answer in brevity but I could write you a lengthy response in an essay form. It wasn't easy to paraphrase your life and that was a heavy word you know. But ever since I made this decision, which took me one full year to finally went on with it, I consider all possibility just exactly like Alice who thinks five impossible things before breakfast. Yet, recently the impossible of the impossible start building up, block by block and little by little, and now the empire was completed. The impossible thingy are eating up my brain, like what you see in the classic zombie scary movie. Funny, it remind me of the game plants versus zombie, I know I'm going to win in the end but I still live in fear.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is I start questioning and doubting myself lately. I found myself occasionally staring into blank pages, though it's totally normal for me, but it felt different this time - as though I'm decoding something in my brain but always came up with null result. Sometimes, I reflect my olden days and had this goofy smile on my facial expression.. Sigh.. What point of saying this when i couldn't go back to the future, where the time machine only exist in the future?

I went back to my sleepless night routine. Me and my brothers are sharing room and I couldn't sleep with the light on. So what I do is I sleep on the floor with the tall rolling arm chair blocking the fluorescent lamp. I did that every time and I got to stop doing that. Two days ago, I must have slept in an awkward position which caused me a serious neck cramp and an awful backache. My neck had gotten worse the next day and I can't even turn my head sideways. I yelled out in pain whenever I overturn my neck. So I wobbled and bobbed my head slowly instead. Thanks to my twins brother's 5 minutes back massage, I felt a little bit better.

Oh and If you ever get a neck cramp (hopefully you never have to use my method), hot shower bath helps a lot, it felts great too. Basically, what you need to do is to tilted your head slightly and let the running hot stream magically soothes your aching neck. I had to do that though I usually bath with cold water, not to mention M'sia is now 34 degree! I clearly remember M'sia was only 29 degree or so when I'm a little kid. Also, listening to calming music helps to relieve your muscle tension and it helps your body to relax. Unless you got a very serious neck cramp, better go see doctor then. I am sure they going to give you jazz music, pain relieve, acupuncture and massage anyway.

This is the song I've been listening to ever since Lee Dewyze rocks it on the stage! I prefer his live version compared to his studio version. Congratz Lee for becoming the next American Idol, he deserves it! I am looking forward for the next season.

Lee Dewyze - Hallelujah

Jeffy Buckly - Hallelujah w/ lyric

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Binary!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! is what we getting every single year.. yeah.. Nothing new or fancy anymore.. Especially now we have twitter and facebook, which means more spamming on our walls. So what do we get is an army of binary-like birthday codes spamming our screen, right on the day we aged.. And most birthday girls and boys only reply to few of the wishers and tired of the rest of the parrots. Is it hard to find another way to say Happy Birthday to someone? Check this guy out, it's nothing wrong trying to be creative but misunderstanding could lead to a broken friendship, or so I thought.

So basically there is this guy trying to say happy birthday in a creative way, opposite of dull birthday, the guy said. It may sound normal to you guys but I was truly shocked when I read that. Cuz I misinterpreted it as the antonym of the whole phrase which totally taken the whole phrase to another meaning. For a second, I thought that bold guy was cursing that birthday boy ><

Smart guy eh? Well at least it's something new. For me, I never come out with any creative phrases other than the same old happy birthday. I just came out with different tones of saying it, like Happyyyy Birthday, Happy Burfday... Happi Bathday!! or HapppYyyy BirthdayyYYY.. Sometimes monotone to ppl I hate, kidding!! =} So help me out, any ideas of wishing ppl a happy birthday in a fresh catchy phrase? Anything except for "the opposite of dull birthday". WHo knows there are other silly guys like me out there. L-O-L

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gurney Outing 25.05.10

Stephy and M3 @ red box

Transformer 3.2?

Group photo

4 hours straight at red box. We lost our voices after the first song, My heart will go on. Bad idea for OS! We had our awkward moment when we sang 3 by Britney Spear.. awkward . . . Ending with my favorite song I'm Yours by Jasan Mraz was a blast!

Anyway, we went for a BBq + Steamboat lunch-dinner at Seoul Garden afterward. We spent 2 hours for filling our tummies and for catching our old sakes. What can I say .. Time flies..

M3 & Stephy @ Seoul Garden

M3 & teh @ Seoul Garden

My piss off look Lmao

Incautiously staring into space again. Totally normal!

Mr. Bean Act! Look underneath the plates.. Unfinished chicken wings and fish balls everywhere. That's what you do when you get too full! Lmao!

Went for a movie,A Nightmare On Elm Street

I thought the movie trailer did a better job than the actual movie. It was okay, not terrible and not a scary wow factor either. I heard the movie was a remake and most credits were given to the old version. Though I never watched the old one and I don't care whether the plot was another duplication but I bet the old technologies could never beat 2010. Oh I got to mention the slaughter of that blonde girl in her dream was brilliant, the airborne visual effect and metal sound effect was totally awesome!

Check this trailer out! But don't hate me when you see the actual movie. Some parts was interesting but not the overall. Side note, the producer should just shorten the lengthen suspense and just went wild with the slashing, smashing and crashing.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My embarrass moment in Mlb lonely night

My only companion when there is no other entertainment like tv show and internet.

A wine toast to penguin,koala twins and kangaroo triplets! The kangaroo puppet looks like dingo o.O

Pensfolds Rawson's Retreat was like only 6 AUD in Australia but in Malaysia It was like RM 60 dolor each. So fly to Aussie if you like wines xD

Go Australia! WOOT!

My pajamas. P.S I wore that for the whole week.

I believe I can fly Lmao!

zZz.. It's 1 o'clock & I still have a bunch of math questions in my head

Everything I post here is just for fun, and I know I'm going to get a lot of crazy comments from you guys Hak! Don't worry, this is why I signed up to blogger, to share my crazy moments with you crazy pals!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Aussie Deep Blue Sky



To Be Continue...

Gonna continue update on this post, check back in 1 week time for videos =]

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Malaysian Passport Sux

Another morning call, I had to get my ass up as early as 7 and to travel all the way downtown and to get my passport done. I had a great time with my uncle today, we told jokes and I felt myself open up my heart a little bit more. Okay I wanted to share this joke, just one. A butter trying to commit suicide and it jumps from ten story building, what the butter becomes in mid-air? Think small, don't complicate stuff, I tried to elaborate the question just to prevent confusion. Ready for the answer? No, you are not ready for this, works your brain! Enough teasing, the answer is butterfly. . . . . Too cold? guess so.. But he smiled anyway.

Okay maybe another cold joke for my Chinese friends. What kind of animal that you can hang on the wall of your bedroom. Don't tell me spiders cuz that was the favorite response. No, people don't hang spiders in their room for nesting purpose and I still think spider is an insect anyway. Have fun thinking!

Everything went great until the mood spoiler %#@$ passport picture came out and It was killing me! It was ugly and I have to force me to use that for 5 years and 6 months! Another thing was my patient thermometer, of course I know how 'efficient' they are, two hours was my waiting time. In the meantime, I wondered around the gurney road and caught some pictures that never caught my attention before. After traveled to other great country like Australia a.k.a the land of opportunity, I gained a new sight of appreciation, either good or bad, a reputation is still a reputation.

I wanted to upload those pictures I captured on Mlb & Syd Aus here in my blog but then there was like ten tons of them and I can't really decide which was the best. Every picture was like versatility and variety of beauty in its own unique way.. But one thing for sure, you'll exhale deep when you see them, at least I am, since the scenery was still intact freshly in my mind.

Gosh, It still felt like yesterday, the day before I boarded the airplane to Australia. Everything was so fast and I do miss the people (and my friends) and the place there. The people are very well-mannered (exclude the boozers and psychos), pretentious or not, It still an honor. One thing I wanted to praise about them was they were pretty strict when It comes to traffic rules.

I never see anybody rode any motorcycles on the roads, which is pretty safe for the pedestrians. I grew up in M'sia and I know how the Only In Malaysia zig-zag take over goes and worst ever, mat-rempit case. In Aus, signal is a must and in Malaysia we worship early bird rules! In Aus, a sign 40 means 40 but in M'sia 45 only got fine lah. Btw, I was a fast and furious fans myself and I use short signal. LOL, but I'm going to change that, I promise, cross my heart and cross my fingers as well. In Aus, the cars all stop and let the pedestrian passed and never once I saw them honk to harass people, even though it was already red light.

Well, maybe once road rage I witnessed in Sydney when the car behind honks the taxi in front, the taxi stopped with power break until the yellow finally turned red. Next, the taxi driver whined down the mirror and gave the jerk behind the finger. zZzZz..

You thought stopping in a junction while risking your car getting a kiss-on-the-back and your license suspended (rule in Aus) was stupid? There was something even crazier, which I discovered later, today on my way to gurney (Between the road of BJ complex and the left-turn on the road that leads towards gurney) I saw a motorcyclist trying to rode up a 45 degree slope with an old model of ex5. My heart stopped when his vehicle reversed, I prayed for him to not fall backwards!

On second thought, he deserved it. First, it was a slope; second, it was a 'lao beh' motor; third, that was a road and what he's thinking? He could fell in a 360 degree air-spin style back to the ground and ramped over by a bus or a lorry! There, another mati katak! I'm not trying to be meanie or a hater but I know that's a dangerous act cuz I tried that on a hill with my bike and now I'm a pot calling a kettle black =}

Monday, May 17, 2010

Leaving On A Jet Plane

To all gleeks and to my feelings towards air plane

Hey Guys, I'm back to my blog for good. To be frank, I still have no idea how to put my 10 days trip in just one lengthy confuse paragraph, why bother then, no point writing and who's gonna read. So maybe the next few days I gonna upload some random shots and short clips. Exactly, sometimes the picture speaks more for itself. Certainty, I'm not going to overwhelmed my blogs with all the pictures like what I did to my now overloaded facebook page, but I'm going to pick the best of the best. Instead of naming where I went, and how wonderful it is, I'm going to talk about my feeling of being there. Stay tune guy! Gosh how long the jet lag last? I heard it can last for ten days.. 10 days?? I woke up at 6 in the morning and couldn't fall back to sleep.. It's 2 o'clock and I'm still not hungry! I'm in trouble. Nevertheless, I enjoy my flight especially someone like me will do anything for entertainment, even though it took me for breaking rules. LMAO!

I know I know.. But what to do, I'm seriously bored by then and I guess it was a revenge for them calling me "he-doesn't-have-the-eighteen-look" along with the long-stares whenever I asked them for a wine. Poor boy, all he wanted is a cup of drink.. It literally broke my heart! t.t Oh just between you and me, I took that pictures right after I consumed some heavy liquor, my face was reddened right away! Whee It was fun! Was it afterglow? or was it long-lasting hangover? Cuz I definately not feeling normal right now.. Alright, enough crazy sayings, I'm going to go. Bye guys. =]
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