Oh that's my left thumb.. I peeled off the inner flesh while trying to fit in my old reebok. lol I talk so calmly but actually It hurts pretty bad. The blood was dried for at least half an hour, not that I don't want to take care of this little thing. The true is I didn't know my thumb bleed until the gate was closed and I don't want to ring the bell to wake up my gramma from her repose. The only water available was the drain water but I'll guess It can cause more infection, so i bailed.
Damn shoe, I should probably get a new one. It wouldn't fit anymore and the latex worn off, I tried to glue it with super glue but it tear off halfway, I limped and hoped home, just like a pathetic bunny in injury. WHat kind of sport shoe should I get? I don't remember my first shoe, maybe power or maybe not. Btw, Reebok was my second sportswear. I'm currently wearing Nike and loving it. My brothers are more of Adidas fans. Should I get Adidas next or get another Nike? I would love to get both but unfortunately I am not made of money. $__$!!
Not to mention that the amount of my pocket money soon going to become 1/3 according to the country exchange rate. Pathetically sad... Emo-ing right now.. Gosh.. I wish system barter is still on, I will collect seashells everyday! Just saying, secretly wished It won't happen.
ARGH!! I just flipped my thumb's nail again.. thumb's nail thumbnail thumb's nail.. yh whatever.. So freaking hurt.. Just to let you guys know, I never intend to grow my nails that long, just that I'm lazy to clip my nails. So all those whining tuns back to me! Hahax~ What goes around comes around.. xD
Alright, gtg.. HK drama awaits..
Oh I almost forget, my sharing time! So here you go!
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