Waning : These are my top 5 experience with lizards at home, stop reading if you have Herpetophobia, but you will miss out the utmost tragic event of a damn lizard can ever caused.

Talking about camouflage, my mother was drinking Milo, and then the lizard blended inside her mug. Thankfully, she is not a thirsty woman.

My brother accidentally beheaded a lizard on the door crack but he couldn't leave the toilet because he was popping. Lmao! Not to mention being watched by a lizard corpse at the same time.

I was sleeping and I heard a rattling, cracking sound inside my air-conditional. A lizard tail fling off the flipper and dancing on my blanket right in front of my balls! By balls, I mean eye balls *Ahem..

I got my cold feet ever since I stepped on a chilly lizard with my bare feet. That got me ten feet off the ground. Deeply condolence.. Nah.. It didn't die but Its tail did..

4 January 2010, I woke up @ midnight, I went to the kitchen alone to grab something from the fridge. Just like any other scary movie, I switched on the light and that fluorescent lamp flashes on and off. It was this moment, that monster loses its grip and fell from the ceiling. I don't mind to cushion its fall with my head, but I hate it when that thing struggling,pulling and kicking around on my scalp!
I'm not a herpetophobic person but I did froze and then let out a yell! It was not a fair fight though, that thing sky-attack me from my blind spot. I wish I would have recorded my faint scream though.. Epic scream ever! Ha Hax~ Do lizards carry rabies? Not my concern anymore, first thing first, I ran to wash my hair and took my bath next. Sigh... I was dreamy and just woke up from my bed and this kind of stuff happened on me. Well, nothing wake you up like a great shock! I still have this ticklish and tingling sensation on the center of my head.. Lmao! Yuck!

once there was a kay poh lizard sneaked into my fridge.....poor thing its frozen...:-D
Lol I think that poor thing got the wrong idea of being a cold-blooded animal.
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