Been busy these few days.. Aiyaiyai..
But then I decided to squeeze out some time to blog for awhile..
no harm right? Tehe..
So what's new? Let see...
I have this coming trip to KL on 8th June, which is this Tuesday.
Kuala Lumpur,I honestly never thought I'm going to visit KL that soon! (not for at least a couple of years later)
Well, I been to KL many times (or should I say passing through KL), but technically I only spent my holiday vacation in KL twice.
Recall back, my first KL trip was staying with my relative, not much to recall though. All I can remember was my brothers and I were sharing bed with my cousin and I like how her air-conditional was positioned exactly on the same level with her queen-sized bed. My legs was frozen back then, but it was fun. Oh behind her house was a graveyard and we were freaked out o.O. Then the next morning, we had Bak-Kut-Teh for breakfast Yummy!
The second KL trip was a trip with my friends, something happened, otherwise it would be a great trip. I'm the one to be blamed obviously, I still felt I hold responsibility for what happened. That was my darkest memory of all and I honestly feel bad for it..
Sigh.. Skip this part shall we? =]
A lot of my friends moved to KL for study, too bad I'll not be able to meet them. I'm down for business and that's it! Get my fingerprint scanned and interview done on 9th June and then collect my VISA on 10th June! In other words, It's something to do with my VISA application. Yet, secretly I wished to sneak out to SUNWAY in the middle of the business. Hopefully the KL agents are more efficient!
Speaking of KL, I would like to share this Awesome song! It has been out for awhile. The DJ replay this song countless time in the radio station, but I guess I just re-post it here. Ladies and Gentleman, M'sia proud MizzNina from KL.
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