In this 18 years, I have seen a lot and I have learned a lot. Guess this is what people like to call watch and learn. I have met a lot of wonderful people in my life, many people stepped in and walked out my life, and life goes on.
In certain stage of your life, an angel in disguise may came into your world and change your whole life. They could be stranger at first but a friend for a lifetime. Yet, the most sacred friendship never last.
Even said, undeniably,
Even wife, there's a if.
Even believe, there's a lie.
Even friendship, there's an end.
After a several years, we might not even give a damn to it, but the unassailable truth is the memory of us still preserve, we may wish to be the same old brats and to hang out together like the old times.
Few months ago, I was asked to write an essay. I vaguely remember the title was "Intimacy of a relationship can be measured by time?" My paper sheet was blank, seriously nothing came out. Yet, I have seen one of my friends concluded that his new friends are the best to him. Proven that relationship in one year can easily outcast four years intimacy.
Just had a long conversation with Elaine.. Is it Elaine or Elain? LOL I pissed her off whenever I got her name wrong. Anyway, I am so glad that she called, she been busy lately and the truth is she is one of the few friends that I'm still connected with. Elaine, Stephy, Jennifer, Jarvis and Teh are the few people that still keep in touch with me. I shall never forget you guys even though I already have new friends in my circle. I am fortunate that all the people I have met are so understanding and kind to me. Sometimes, I take them for granted which I probably shouldn't.. To be honest, I secretly felt happy when they stand by me.. Even though I hate to be treated as a child for most of the time.
Yes we have all grown up. I can't promise I will be the same but I am positive that our circle of friendship will goes on.
You got to learn how to fit in, alright? I can't give you any good advice since all my friends including you have been so kind to me.
We definitely need each other in the future. After all, we are the only two representative from BP in US!
We may have a little tiny weeny eenie meenie misunderstanding in the past but you are one brave person. Be proud of yourself!
Though I never like the way you treat me as your buffet dinner, touch here and there but meeting you was indeed a great pleasure!
Ean Lee,
Thank you so much for your wishes and advice, I will remember. Going to miss the time we hang out together.
Wei Xuan,
Four years time is a long long time.. Hopefully we can still meet again.
This song is dedicated to my old friends and also my new friends. On second thought, I shouldn't use the old and new terms! Sound disrespectful! Start again, You've Got A Friend In Me is dedicated to my angels without wings. I love this song so much, the lyric is so meaningful. I knew this song from zen whey and later learned this song is from Toy Story. Enjoy~
so sweet... Just swooshing by!!
Thx Nana, just speaking my thoughts.. ^^
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