HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring break's mini workouts

Two days ago..
Lessie : So Ed (Me), what you doing for spring break?
Me: Homework..
Lessie : Me too!!

Morning at work..
Lessie : I'm not a big fan of couponing.. That's at least I can say..
Me : At least not early in the morning on the coldest day of the week..
Me : I am hungry..
Lessie : I am tired.. I just want to go back to bed..
Me : Are you serious? On spring break?
Lessie : I'm dead serious! Probably get drunk.. What about you?
Me : Nice! I'm learning how to cook and plant vegetable.
Lessie : *Tch! (laugh)
Me : See, It's an Asians thing. We grow our own foods.
Lessie : I noticed!

After three and half hours of walking and climbing stairs..
Lessie : Ed! So you had a lot of fun (sarcastically)!
Me : Yeah~ My spring break is awesome! Thank you!

Sigh.. Not doing any homework today for sure!
The only worth mentioning up side is I just made a viva sushi fest for my family.
I am super tired after all those mini workouts..
Guess I just go and take a quick nap before I head back to my night shift again.


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