What's up! So I have been telling my friend, Conrad how I wish I can get a day off like Spring Break. Spring Break is next Monday but today is Friday which means It's already an official Holiday! WOOT~ Before heading to my lass class this morning, Conrad wishes me a good Spring Break which turns out to be a disaster today. After my class, I went to the Computer Science lab to finish up my compiling assignment. I sat there for 3 hours straight bumping into walls after walls. It was decided for me to head back for work and come back school later. At work, I accidentally cut myself while chopping carrots and it bleeds for awhile. As if not enough, I get off at 9:30 p.m. and I still have to go back to school for my darn assignment! When I got home, everyone was looking for me when I don't even have a phone with me and I'm probably the only college student that do not have a mobile phone in United State lol. I feel bad for making everyone worried about me, including my Uncle who sound asleep at 2 a.m. in the morning. Sigh.. what a journey.. Well.. All Is Well.. That's my slogan for life!
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