I just had some pizzas and milk for my dinner.
That was my full proper course for the meal of the entire day.
Boo-hu.. I really need some better nutritious foods.
Maybe I go get some blueberries supplements.
Anything blue do me a favor, don't ask why.
It has been a long day for me.
Only because I went to bed very late last night, probably 3 a.m.
I had to woke myself up as early as 9 for my morning shift.
It wasn't too bad as I managed to take an hour nap and head back to my night shift.
I really enjoy my shifts as I get to learn different stuffs every day.
Like today, I get to dock and slap the pizza dough.
I have lost count of the doughs but it was trays after trays.
Note: I am feeling the utmost sensational cramps on my right arm as I am typing this ridiculously long post!
The pizza making process was tiring but I really appreciate the mini workouts as I felt it did me a favor for my muscles building!
On side note, I get to save some pocket money this summer.
What is better than getting pay for working out?
There was an accident when I was folding the boxes at work.
I got a deep paper cut and only realize that when the jalapenos burns my wound! *yikes* Not cool at all!
I don't really mind wearing my body out cuz I know I am capable of handling the pressure.
So basically, haul ass and getting paid is the only thing I care lol.
Chaqing* ($o$)
I shall work when I am still young and singing dollar dollar bill at age 45 with early retirement!
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