I hate losing control to myself. Today I felt like I have lost myself to an extreme pressure test. Sleep deprive, starvation and sore muscles brought me to an absolute devastation. I found myself losing patient to retards no matter the fault was on whoever side. The more I think about it, the more it aggravates me. I can only blame me for being immature and irrational.
Well, there is always the first time of anything. Today was also the first time I fell partly asleep in someone's car while rock and roll musics were tearing down the background. I think Randall purposely put on the loud music just to irritate me like he always do. I was a mess today. I have made a couple of people laughing out loud, simply because I made a total fool out of myself, which was a good thing. Yes, I have a bad day today but I certainly don't wish it the same upon somebody cuz that is just not right.
Sometimes I wish I was born with a smiley face so laughing is not tiresome or pretending. Speaking of which, it reminds me of Andrew, a guy that I get to know about a week ago. He always carries a smug on his face but that is how the way he looks, or maybe he just has a carefree nature. On top of his easy going smug, Andrew is a quarter Irish, a quarter french and also possess blond hair, blue eyes American. One has to pay respect for the wow factors cuz that is some Awesome blend of traits, talking about fanatic family blessing.
I wonder when I start to admire what I see on others. It makes me worry that I will change myself for the wrong sakes. Let it be my eyes color is not right, the hair does not falls the same way or something way absurd. Jason Mraz once said that "to dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are," that is why I respect Mraz man so much. Something funny is definitely going around me for today. Guess I am just worn out and strive to seek comforts from others, which is exactly what I am doing right now, drawing strength from those who are reading this. To those who are offering me a tiny bit of sympathy, thank you so much for listening.
I know this blog is getting long and whiny so I guess I will end this post with a smiley face =)