HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Monday, July 25, 2011

Funny people, Funny life.

I hate losing control to myself. Today I felt like I have lost myself to an extreme pressure test. Sleep deprive, starvation and sore muscles brought me to an absolute devastation. I found myself losing patient to retards no matter the fault was on whoever side. The more I think about it, the more it aggravates me. I can only blame me for being immature and irrational.

Well, there is always the first time of anything. Today was also the first time I fell partly asleep in someone's car while rock and roll musics were tearing down the background. I think Randall purposely put on the loud music just to irritate me like he always do. I was a mess today. I have made a couple of people laughing out loud, simply because I made a total fool out of myself, which was a good thing. Yes, I have a bad day today but I certainly don't wish it the same upon somebody cuz that is just not right.

Sometimes I wish I was born with a smiley face so laughing is not tiresome or pretending. Speaking of which, it reminds me of Andrew, a guy that I get to know about a week ago. He always carries a smug on his face but that is how the way he looks, or maybe he just has a carefree nature. On top of his easy going smug, Andrew is a quarter Irish, a quarter french and also possess blond hair, blue eyes American. One has to pay respect for the wow factors cuz that is some Awesome blend of traits, talking about fanatic family blessing.

I wonder when I start to admire what I see on others. It makes me worry that I will change myself for the wrong sakes. Let it be my eyes color is not right, the hair does not falls the same way or something way absurd. Jason Mraz once said that "to dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are," that is why I respect Mraz man so much. Something funny is definitely going around me for today. Guess I am just worn out and strive to seek comforts from others, which is exactly what I am doing right now, drawing strength from those who are reading this. To those who are offering me a tiny bit of sympathy, thank you so much for listening.

I know this blog is getting long and whiny so I guess I will end this post with a smiley face =)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Shopping Day

Wassup readers!
What is up is I went shopping at Walmart and Home Depot with my beloved family today.
I found what I like and of course I have to pay for them.
It is a shame that after being here for 11 months, I am still having problem with spending my money.
See, the USD exchange rate is almost three times the Ringgit Malaysia.
Likewise, I spent 50 bucks in US was equivalently to RM 150.
Just my clothing and stationary can cost a lot!

On the check out, the cashier lady acted funny all sudden.
Indeed, she was the funniest lady I have ever met..
Although she was a bit crazy but nice and sociable.
My mum kidded that she should get a bag free since we bought many.
She responded with "no, free stuffs don't fall from the rain, they come from your ribs" as she poked on her back and cracked out loud.

It might be just a mere phrase that crossed her mind but that was so true and such words that inspire much deep down here.
I feel bad all sudden for buying so many stuffs but what have been done can never be undone.
But I am going to forgive myself this time as I am not the one who spend my money like running water.
I have to confess that I really enjoy shopping on the kids section.
I bought three kids rulers that curled up like a bracelet when flexed.
Yes I am a grown up kids but I don't care what people thinks of me.
What can I say, I am a big kid on inside out!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Where my money at?

Hey what's up guys!
I just had some pizzas and milk for my dinner.
That was my full proper course for the meal of the entire day.
Boo-hu.. I really need some better nutritious foods.
Maybe I go get some blueberries supplements.
Anything blue do me a favor, don't ask why.

It has been a long day for me.
Only because I went to bed very late last night, probably 3 a.m.
I had to woke myself up as early as 9 for my morning shift.
It wasn't too bad as I managed to take an hour nap and head back to my night shift.
I really enjoy my shifts as I get to learn different stuffs every day.
Like today, I get to dock and slap the pizza dough.
I have lost count of the doughs but it was trays after trays.
Note: I am feeling the utmost sensational cramps on my right arm as I am typing this ridiculously long post!
The pizza making process was tiring but I really appreciate the mini workouts as I felt it did me a favor for my muscles building!

On side note, I get to save some pocket money this summer.
What is better than getting pay for working out?
There was an accident when I was folding the boxes at work.
I got a deep paper cut and only realize that when the jalapenos burns my wound! *yikes* Not cool at all!
I don't really mind wearing my body out cuz I know I am capable of handling the pressure.
So basically, haul ass and getting paid is the only thing I care lol.
Chaqing* ($o$)
I shall work when I am still young and singing dollar dollar bill at age 45 with early retirement!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blame procrastination!

Yoyoyo! How is it going?
How do you do, readers? (If someone still reading this)
It has been awhile!
What I have to say is blogging takes dedication.
Once you procrastinate, your blog gets old and empty.
I still have many things to say but I have been busy with life.
What happen was I often hold my today-topics to be blog afterward and they always ended up weeks and months later or sometimes never.
What I see now is just halfway through drafts loaded up my freaking page and I don't feel like posting them up. The reason behind is same as restaurant selling bad meats to the customers. Like someone can report me to health inspector for selling old topic/chicken.
If you get what I mean.

By the way, summer holiday was better than what I've expected.
I am still as shy as ever but people come to talk to me sometimes.
I have reconnect with my old pals thanks to facebook and msn messenger.
All I have to say is thank you for the company.
It means a lot to me.

Anyway, school starts in August 16.
I am not even hooked up to some classes.
I really need to register for the spot.
What a terrible procastinator I am!
Shame on me!
Sigh and double sigh..
Change! I need a change!
Better me!
Better world!
I believe!
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