HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Look what I found, awesome little dino here lol
Cheer for that gloomy little guy people!

If you have loved somebody put your hands up~
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up~
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up~
Stop!(hand sign: O)

I looked up the urban dictionary and the connotation for rawr says 'I Love You' in Dinosaur language. It makes sense right, I mean when you going to die what was your last word (hint : 520)

Ijustine, really?
What on earth with 4:08??
Well, I suppose we always have exception for apple geeks..

Tell you what, the other day I was sitting there in the exam hall thinking through my engineering paper..
There were three guys outside the room chatting non-stop about Apple products.
These people got to be sick! If they think Apple is squeezing every penny out of their pockets and It's a waste of money?
Why bother Iphone 4g and Ipad?
First of all, I was not eavesdropping.
Second, they were louder than my brain!
I was so annoyed and frustrated!

I can't even hear myself think! Get out of here!
No, I didn't say that. But I wish I did!
I got mad because these people left the room 45 minutes earlier and have to make a grand exit, as if they were Tom Cruise!
There is no way one can finish a final exam paper in less than 30 minutes without going through the paper once, twice and thrice.
Final is important to me and I don't want to screw it up.

So this brings me to the reason why I named this post Roar!
Rawr has a double meaning for Dino's I love you and slang for roar.
I saw a blogger shared this awesome quote on her blog..
So I thought I want to share it here too..
I am taking no credit for this so this is her link
The quote speaks for itself wonderfully..


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