HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Last Post

Hi everyone, sad to announce that after today there will hardly be any posts for the next few months.. Or probably never gonna be one.. So this should be my last post, enjoy while It lasts..

Yet, I have to apologize, hardly any interesting stuff happen on me.. Should I ramble along or maybe I should end my blog like Angels Without Wings's post, more like a proper farewell I assume. Either way, I have to shut down this blog sooner or later.

I know, Lets end it with what I have been through today..

*Note picture was inverted because I snapped it with my webcam.

I was playing with my phone today and I found this "Walk Mate" application. I only activated the application once cuz I thought It was broken, I waited for a few minutes and the meter display nothing! Until today, I realized the phone application do steps calculation. I mean Hello It's a WALK mate application, I suppose to walk! Silly me! I went to my usual Jogging Tracks and I had 3293 steps recorded but the goal beside was set to 10000, how can I walked 10 thousand steps a day? Crazy application!

I dunno anything about Lillian Too but I'm positive this is definitely not Feng Shui 2010! More like a maid revenge to me! Careful, maids are person too and they are not inferior, treat them well or else ... Do I still have to say anything?

My favorite snacks! I would go for milk though.. Oh well, take that as today's special! =]

Green Bean Durian Soup! They taste good! You might heard of frozen durian but I bet you never had frozen Green Bean Durian in your life! They taste like Ice Cream with great texture!

More surprises! Look what I found inside my webcam picture folder! Home-made sandwiches by m3! Yeah~ I'm happy to share the ingredients but I don't think any of you dare to try that out!

White (normal) breads, two eggs, two cheeses, Mayonnaise, Butter, Kirby Sauce, two chicken hams, Mushroom Sausages and Bon Appetit~ Yeah, It's fattening.. But Better! SLURRp~

Lip Sin's famous Tou Hu Hua! They made great supper! The shop was closed years ago but It is still my favorite of all!

In memory of KenAik's blog! Feb 2010- July 2010

Well, That's It.. Thank You and Good Bye!~

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bon Odori Photos/ My Farewall Theme Song, “朋友” - 谭咏麟

Did anyone attended Bon Odori festival? I know I brought that up in my last post but ended up not going. Suppose my friends come to pick me up at 5:30 p.m. but they ran into a minor accident and was held in the police station for few hours. P.S We all know how 'efficient' Malaysia government can be.. It was just a report but It took them forever to get the job done. How hard is typing one report? I can sum that up in less than 5 minutes!

So this is what happened.. The girl Priscilla was driving and the reckless car from the opposite direction, crossed the double line, ran into her driving lane. She pressed on the emergency break on time but a motor behind ramped into her back, the motor front wheel was stuck inside the bumper. The impact caused the man had his face slammed against the back mirror of the car. Obviously that guy was speeding! Luckily, It was a plastic mirror or else he might need a full-face plastic surgery! That criminal who started the whole shit saved his ass by speeding away, leaving the casualty behind! Next time, he will be caught and be raped alive! Because of that moron's fault, the Gurney plan was canceled!

I have one law question. Whose fault in this situation? If you answer is the car that crossed the double line, you're almost right. Cuz that fellow flee away while none of my friends are alert enough to mark down the number plate. Not only that It was an irresponsible act but also violated the traffic rules! At the end, the motorcyclist had to pay for the car maintenance because he knocked people in front of him and that is the law.

At the police station, the motorcyclist claimed 'Motor rosak tak apa, Biji rosak lagi susah!' effin LMAO! I hope his balls are okay. All of them were starved and sluggish, eventually the festival mood is ruin!

I'm so glad that my other group of friends (Annie, Elanie & Xiao Jin), who already arrived at gurney plaza, abandoned the eclipse movie that I booked for all of us earlier and also the Bon Odori festival, purposely came back for us. Though they say they are not interested in the festival anyway, I know they are just being a caring friend. Meanwhile, my other group of friends finally done with the police report, they (Priscilla, Steff and Jarvis) managed to borrow another car and came to pick me up.

Here some pictures from the festival. Stolen from my classmate. Nyek hek hek..

The boy so cute! Going to grow up to be a bishounen!

Yup.. only the pictures.. I'm officially missed Bon Odori and also Eclipse. Instead, we went for sushi king, I should have captured the number of plates! It was Huge portions! But It was normal consider 7 of us dined in.

Later, we went to OXO which was the first time in my life I had beer with my friends. We ordered a bucket but for Jarvis, he decided to try something else. He asked the waiter 'do you think Virgin marry suit me?' The waiter goes Ah Hak Hak, a frank but very robotic smile... He was stunned with that question of course. Then Jarvis replies 'Nvm, I'll take Rock Your Baby' ALways cracking a joke, gonna miss his humor. I don't remember the later part of conversation, I was stoned. Oh, then we followed by photography session!

First time visit XOX

Sorry I cannot hear you..I'm drinking Heine.. Kinda Dizzy.. Stop calling! Stop calling! I don't wanna talk anymore! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh~ You not gonna reach my telephone!

Priscilla, Annie, Elanie, Me, Steff, Jarvis

Half of my face gone!

Wow..can you do that?

Steff Khoo Wei Xuan & M3

Elanie Hon Yi Ling & M3

Annie Thor Ean Lee & M3

Me & Xiao Jin

Me & drunk Jarvis

Priscilla & M3

Give Us Back Our $$ Arghh..

Love This!

Sheng Mu Yu Tong?

That was my informal farewell, I only knew that until Jarvis mentioned it for me. The pub singer sang me this song, I only heard the song once and never really looked into the lyric. This song was beautiful.. The pub singer had us all sang the last line.. Jarvis again hinted me ahead and I managed to sing along. It was really fun indeed. Thank you everyone, I appreciate it! I secretly felt happy for it.. I wonder why I never really show it in front of ppl.. hmm...

To sum up for yesterday, my mood went from Excited > Slight disappointment > Happy Meter went back to 10 point > Memorable.. It was a roller-coaster ride..


Saturday, July 17, 2010

New hairstyle, New mood, New Festival..

Goodbye old hairstyle

Tada.. Waiting for my hairdresser

My brother's hairdresser looks like a dentist!

That's a wrap guys!

Did I look like Rihanna... No? Kay..

My favorite Tong Shui

Delicious local Mee Goreng

All my tablets! So many for one day huh! I have tried swallowing 7 tablets in one gulp!

Now that's a slow-release vitamin C

Buzz* Buzz* Should have used transparent bottle.. Oh well..

Anyone attending Bon Odori today? Check out the festival details here There's another one in Shah Alam, be sure to check that out as well.. Don't miss the festival! Be there sharp at 6!
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