HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

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Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Lightning Thief

Today or technically speaking yesterday I went to watch "The Lightning Thief". I'm glad I didn't miss this show. Love the graphics, gazillion thx to the technology making all these possible. Think back the olden days where our parents and grandparents used to enjoy movies in plain screen. Rewind back to year 1978, the creation of all-time favorite superhero, superman has had the greatest hits, achieved with only black and white. Nowadays we get to enjoy quality movie in quantities!

Back to the movie but first let's do some reviews. Percy Jackson is the son of Poseidon (or the sea god) and Luke is the son of Hermes (or the god of luxury). The denoument review between the fight of these two demi gods & here is one of my favorite scenes and I call it the kick-ass waterproof fork. You should see how Percy blows off Luke with one of those water trident.

Enough for the movie. Sushi King mMm mMm my favorite Japanese restaurant ever, never get tired of their soy sauce and wasabi.

Lot and lots of discounts thx to the my twin brothers coupon and member cards

I always fancy kappa maki,I can dip more soy sauce with those

The chicken topping is just okay, not bad though

This dish is a must-try. Don't worry, they only look small because I couldn't stop my chopsticks

They are doing some promotion, I tried some and they are equally good

I like this Udon but my friend say it taste like a bowl of soy sauce, it depends on people

This could be my worst impersonation ever hak hak. That spec belongs to steff

Ice cream-bread sandwiches my favorite childhood dessert

Hot and Cold! Ice-breathing Blueberries Puree melting on warm bread

That's all for tonight.. *yawn* Good Night..

Burglar Broke Into My House?

Last night.. sigh.. My burglar alarm really fucked up.
I was up watching Saki anime until the burglar alarm sirens for the 1st time. I thought someone accidentally knocked the window bar so it took me some hesitation to get down stair and set the alarm off. At that time clearly everyone is asleep; everyone but the only light sleeper around - my gramma who woke up to check if there were trespassers in the yard. The second siren was around 2 o'clock, my uncle got the alarm off before me.
We concluded that the rats hit the alarm or something. Well obviously It's not the rat, the alarm gone mad at 3 a.m when I went down to switch off the internet cable. The forth siren which is right after the third one made me realized I never set the alarm back on after the 1st siren but it still rang itself. Apparently, the burglar alarm fucked up. My uncle stayed up the whole night, guarded the alarm system until it finally stops at 7 in the morning!

Man.. the whole alarm drama.. sigh.. Whole night, I stacked pillows all around my head, nearly suffocated with barely no air flows .. somehow the loudness still hits me. Right.. the alarm is just right next to me, I felt like I could just climb pass the window bars anytime and hit the alarm siren right above my window. Urgh!

This morning, the repair man stops by at 11, he's been here for nearly an hour. Nothing is fixed so here what we did. Yaa.. cut off the stupid siren while he set off to get us a new replacement.
Half an hour later, he return with the siren replacement and everything is fixed.
Yeah~ Yeah~ Yeah~ A triple cheer for the black siren replacement.
The only problem I had is the new burglar alarm sound like a toy gun.. You know.. the "chew chew chew" sound! Definitely an annoying one when sh!t like this happen again. >< "no eyes see"

Friday, February 26, 2010

Assburgers and Hooker's Pranks Call

Now when I say Assburgers I do not mean I'm diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome though they rhymed and people make fun of the pronunciation. I mean ass burger, literally taking a liking to burger. Now in my mind I'm picturing a big juicy cheeseburger except less lettuce but I still want some.. no old cheese for me cuz it's all about the chess texture.. and more ketchup pls.. LOL! Am I the only one that make my order seems complicated? Well, I found this frustration girl made this complaint video on youtube. You should check this vid out if you are a picky person (like me duh) or you work at the fast-food restaurant & you curse your customer most of the time. LMAO!

.. and yup, these kind of ppl do exist .. pls don't look at me *guilty face*

Anyway this girl ijustine does make her points. I'm not promoting her but the other pranks call video she made really cracked me up.

Right.. this girl ijustine has some problem. Either way, see her on rehabs. ^^

My question today is.. have you done any prank call in your life Or someone dared you to do it? Well, I accidentally committed the first one lol. I don't remember my exact age i did this nuisance, maybe 8 or 9. Anyway, I was home alone with no tv, no internet, locked up in the house with four concrete walls, pretty much nothing to do and nearly bored to death. So i picked up the phone, well I don't really have any number in my mind that I can actually contact so I tried some different combination. The first one goes "the number you've call is not available" , second went straight to voice mail and I think no one picked up my third call or so. Finally, I try the combination 584 485 just for fun but this one actually went through. I was shocked not knowing what to said when she answered "Hello?" and the funny thing is I remember I trying to offer her a service or sell her something lol. She didn't play along, she just hung up. Luckily I never dial triple 9 and prank a police official instead. But with that combination of 584 485?? eErrr... Yup, I think you just figured out what she does for living. Just kidding~~

Actually going through all of this making me very hungry right now. Not to mention I go through five hours & thirty-five minutes nap with have had only a packet of peanuts for lunch. .. and for the ppl who know me, yeah i know it's strange cuz it's unusual for me to take nap. Technically never, not counting the time I accidentally fell asleep during exam period, opssy I guess hak hak. Okay I think I'm done here and here I come dinner!! or lunch..
Make it lunchnner lol

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tentative and Insecurity

Today, I had an appointment with Dr. Chan Lee Pon for my vaccine jab at Pantai Hospital.
As reckless as usual.. and always.. lol, I lost my appointment card so I had to go through the queue and counter registration again. When I insisted to see Dr. Chan, the counter lady claims that I'm over 18 and suggests me to see a physician .. I do get the lady's point since Dr. Chan is from the child institute and he mostly attends toddlers and children .. but I don't feel like having my case review by the other doctor and to go through my immunization history all over again so I decided to stick with Dr. Chan.

The odd thing is that the hospital built a tiny playground inside the waiting room. I should snap a picture next time cuz it definitely a random one. There is also a weighing machine where i witnessed how the nurse weighs a newborn and the baby is so cute hahaz. After some time, the doctor finally get my medicine prepared and signaled me to come in. The dose combination of Menomune and Tetanus Jab is a lot of painful compared to the last MMR jab I had before CNY. Actually the shot is not that painful, the way how the doctor describe the side effects of each vaccine and how painful the jab is the real deed, not physically pain but mentally ><

One more jab on march 22nd, one more SAT test and I'll be ready to enroll to UL Lafayette. My premonition telling me my actual flight will be around July and everything should follow my schedule. Right now, everything seems so visible .. tangible .. within my reach yet so tantalize.. Though the country, the uni and my major course is pretty much decided.. Still, there is one more thing that bother me. How do I know engineering is the right course for me? Unlike other successful person, they have strong clarity in mind knowing the right things to do, the appropriate things to say and ultimately what is the best for them.

Some people born as a rising star .. Some people granted with talents and to be seen on stage, they shines .. Some people claim to enjoy lives for the good deed they've done in the past .. They are the blessed one but not the ordinary me .. Yes, experience can be gain from mistakes and people get better in times .. except I can't afford to make any mistakes this time, simply stating I'm later than most people..

Hopefully, I able to finish everything I started and bend my paths until It's right! As every door is closed, there will always be a window left open by the angels. Whoever read this, get rid of all the insecurity and stop worrying for just today, cuz I know and you know All Is Well..

Peace v(^,^)v

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Brand New Look

Looking as good as new after me giving a 'face-lift' to my blog, well it is a brand new blog that I started not long ago anyway >< To my reader interests I added music to my blog, the title is Yiruma-river flows in you. If you wondering where to get this cool song, google it, I believe you won't take long to find it. I love the melody so much as it remind me of the facebook application-FriendsForSales where I get to reconnect with my wonderful friends, the IICP Alumni Night where my colleague plays this piece dedicated to his fellow Inti students, the twillight movie where edwards cullen plays it on his grand piano. In case you feel annoyed by the repeating tune, there is a pause set up on the top of the page. Sorry for the tiny wordings, try to hold down CTRL on your keyboard and roll the rollers on your mouse to adjust it according to your personal preference. I like small wordings more and maybe that's how I ended up wearing spectacles among my brothers. Anyway, I spent a lot of time modified my blog and I hope you guys like it! Bye^^

NDE my near death experience

Ring~ It's 12:10. Already noon? This should be the gazillions times I woke up around this time and head straight for lunch. The fact that I was astonished for myself is probably because I managed to slept pass the 14 hours, breaking my all-time records! Back in Inti College, I get to sleep for 7 hours the maximum and now for 14 hours, doubling the time? *shocked* My body must be trying hard to redeem the hours deprived during my abused college life.
Do you think people like me who get to sleep for long hours eventually found their light in dreams and finally crossed over the bridge to the afterlife, pass away in peace?? LOL, maybe too much reading on Alyson Noel's novel for me..

Yet to be honest, I do believe in afterlife. Not because I'm a Buddhist in which my religion teaching strictly believes in Karma concept, but because my elder brother did experienced it himself. Don't get me wrong, my elder brother is still alive and very healthy but that time he was one foot in the coffin, a close one according to the doctor. To explain this, afterlife is not much different than the fictional novel after all- you'll see a flashback of your own life, many tiny film pieces annex in your brain, framing your present and the past in an odd way that almost lacking sense of subsequent. In other words, sporadic and scattered . Well, at least that is what I heard from my bro, mix and mingle with my own interpretations.

I do not have any afterlife or soul-out-of-body experience yet but NDE did come across me yesterday. It happens when I'm trying to make a right turn at the three way junction, a white horse from the opposite road crossing over at the same time. I nearly ramps through the pretty pony while it gallops towards my Camry. The female jokey barely hold her horse in hands. Luckily in that fussy situation, I was sober enough to perform a breakneck emergency brake and press the car hon simultaneously. Funny thing is that I wonder why I never had any pictures in my mind or I've missed it?! L-O-L That is definitely shocking and awkward... Who would ever breed a horse in a housing area with no sandy beach in sight? Don't tell me they fancy horse milk here o.O

Monday, February 22, 2010

Back To School - hunted school

Yeah back to school! It has been awhile since the last visit to my primary & secondary school (The two buildings are neighbor lol). Well, I went there for a purpose as I mentioned in my previous post, I need to get my paper document signed and certified on behalf the school authority. Except the fact that I totally forgot today is a School Holiday and I can't find any administer to certified my paper document cuz they are all on leave!

What kind of Chinese am I who forgot his own tradition? Every Chinese pupils know there is no school on the day after the 'Chinese Ceremony of Worship God' or better known as 'Pai Tian Gong' in mandarin. Luckily there is still a few souls I found in the office and the fellow clerks manage to get me my SPM cert and 1119 cert. It was a relieve that they let me reissue my Peka Cert - School Based Practicals that I have lost previously; but still I have to wait for it since the office is now empty and soulless ><''

Oh, just to make this post interesting I want to tell you guys the whole land happen to be a Graveyard before they built this school. In fact, the church next to my school displays the cross sign in sight where underneath they buried the deceased nuns and priests; and if you trace the path way up to the tiny mountain you'll see the exact location where the graveyard have moved to. So basically that was my homeland where I grew up - a superstitious land. If you ask me have I seen any? I might say it's just happen to be a psychology effect though I swear I saw moving shadow more than just once during my stay in Balik Pulau.

den~ den~ deng~ Teng~! and that ... was my to-be-continue personal tone. yea quite lame... Oh well, Happy Holiday..

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Oops!...I Did It Again

It's 9:15 p.m and I'm sipping root beer while my dinner plate remain untouched probably I over eat at Seoul Garden. Or maybe It was just another excuse for me having late dinner (or my so-called eating disorder), in which I actually spent my whole evening translating my high school script from malay to english which I probably should have done it long time ago. I'm so moody right now and I have lost all my eating appetite just because of those stupid scripts that I lost that cost me turning my whole room upside down. Just for the curiosity, I looked high and low but no sight of my 'Peka' Certs.. where exactly have they been..Sigh.. I'm so desperate now, I can't recall where I put those, sad. Reckless, reckless and again, Reckless.. I swear to my Virgo sign from now one I'll organize my stuff but please let me have my cert back t.t Okay, maybe virgo sign doesn't has anything to do with it but I'm so frustrated right now.. My certs, all three just gone, *poof* disappear into thin air, it's like I'm looking for dust in the desert.

Sigh and double sign.. I'm halfway giving up searching for today, simply sipping my root beer on hand madly hoping it cure my headache for can't-stop-thinking where exactly I last saw that cert. I better eat up now and stop sipping this addictive drink, or else I'll get my hangover and couldn't make it back to school to certified my document tomorrow.

Wu Chun Admires Johnny Depp

14 blades ( Gam Yee Wai) is an awesome movie directed by Daniel Lee and starring Donnie Yen , Zhao Wei , Wu Chun , Kate Tsui and Qi Yuwu. FYI, they are all famous actors and actresses and been featured in quite a number of dramas and movies. For me, they ain't no new faces to me but as a plus to the show which brought the movie to a whole new level. Well, I don't want to give up too much and you should really watch it yourself by any chances. Great plot, build-up climax, nice setting & most of all cool costume!

One thing I would like to highlight is the costume Wu Chun wore in the show 99% unassailable a mini-me Johnny Depp but it still turns out great. I'm not really a fans of him, I know he got the looks every girl would drool on (especially his abs) but that's it for me. Yet, in this movie he manage to pull out his acting skills, make it a one-whole-package remarkable actor which proves me totally wrong before. Maybe I give some away just for you guys. In this movie, he was a sand bandit or pirates (whatever lol) which he has this amusing title- Judge of The Great Desert. Anyway, there was a great twist in his character which was admirable. Other noteworthy giveaway such as The Zhao Wei's scene was pretty sad, love conquers all~ & Kate Tsui which happen to be one of my favourite TVB artist rocks as a villain, she really kick ass though most of her fighting scene was cut short and more reliable on the technology but she still cool. I love the scene where she battled Donnie Yen at the finale, rated five star! Qi YuWu manage to keep up as well though there are so many great artists in the same show, I knew him from the Singapore drama 'Little Nyonya" - a kind young man. It was totally a big breakout when he features as one of the member in Gam Yee Wei (secret government) but he assists the treason due to the so-called "dignity". Overall, this was a great show and I urge everyone to see it while the movie tickets is still on sale!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Eating Disorder

Lying on the bed still and slanting my position is not a conformable way for me to blog. How I put this in an easy way.. It started when my brother invited guests over for an evening BBq party. It was a long pause in the beginning (going through all the preparation) but I can't stop eating once the food is finally done grilled on the hot stove, then it follows by as much dips as I can on the early prepared sauces. The guest also brought us chocolates and tip-bits for supper and I'm glad they came. The meal was satisfying, love the variety! The only regret I have is they miss out my favorite curry-marinated squid. t.t

Speaking of which, I do have this eating disorder habit. I don't have a proper time set on a meal, my meals always delay for no sort of reason. I eat whenever I feel I want to. But luckily, I have this amazing metabolism infuse with this tiny body I'm wearing. It's like I never gain any weight at all after secondary school. I was shocked when my 11 years old cousin was heavier than me, I was clueless before but now I'm positive that I'm clearly an underweight victim kaboomz.. a friend of mine does share this experience with me, she hardly gain a pound and she is so skinny that you can see the structure of her bone displaying beneath her pale skin. I only got my veins structure display on sight but still getting "do you eat" comment regularly. Some advice me on taking more fats but I hate oily stuff because they give me this nausea feeling after taking them. Furthermore, I only wish to gain weight but not fats. My brothers do not have this problem but only me, the only one in the family @@

So I want to know do you have this mutated metabolism like I do or you know anyone that has this ability? How do you deal with it? I tried eating but it never works on me :(

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Borders is the real vampire?

Yesterday, I went to Queensbay mall with my old pals planning to watch 'Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief', heard it was quite a show. But unfortunately the queue was long and even for the food & beverage, all we can see was a never ending line. Since I have low measure of patient capacity, I decided to settle my dinner on Siam Express which I have many regrets walking in the restaurant :(

After the unsatisfactory meal, I continue to hunt my vampire collection at Borders bookstore. Most of the items there were stickered with 50% tag, I swore I was so happy for able to get my all four vampire novels on unbelievable discounted prices! The moment I stepped in the front counter I knew something was wrong. The girl explained that for the book with sticker, customer get to enjoy 50% off on the 2nd purchased item, NOT half-price for every book with the sticker on! Though it was a nicer way of saying this but I'm guessing that bitch was having this on her mind "Hak! Gotcha sucker! "

After I walked out the store, the big red sign on the wall caught my eyes again "buy 1 get 1", underneath it was a ten times bigger "50% off" sign. By then I only realized it was one complete sentence and should be interpreted as "buy 1, get 1 50% off"
The way they juxtaposing the word and manipulate the font is confusing. Why don't they just name it 50% on 2nd purchase? W-H-Y? Because these are the real business strategy, the way they attract more and more customers, in which I happen to be one >< But honestly, I would get the books even without the special offer. I seriously have a strong vampire obsession.

Anyway, I still got the books with reasonable price. All four for a total of 102.60 Ringgit Malaysia wuhu~

My latest collection:
Vampire Academy
Blue Moon

These are all great titles, can't wait to dig in right away. Right now, I'm reading The Immortals, Evermore by Alyson Noel. This was addictive as I read more of it, can't wait to see what happen next. =)

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Year Red Box

Hooray! It's red box day!

Music has been part of our life cultural event and I believe that music is the symbol of all celebration especially on new year times!
Today my friends and I hang hang out in red box, gurney plaza for 3 hours straight vocal battle. Haha it was real fun although there were only 6 of us present, but we were as wild as tiger. They charged us 23 per person and i think the price is quite reasonable since it's new year and they open for business lol. In corresponds to Tiger Year, red box company reward their fellow customers whose zodiac sign are tiger free-of-charge services! If you must know, white goat is my chinese zodiac and I'm proud of being one.
As a plus, the food I ordered seems better this time but the potato is more tasty than the beef @@ weird..... Later, We were informed that 'money god' is going to distribute the 'Ang Pau' (red packet) so we waited and waited but we never saw him! Anyway, I'm glad that my friend's cousin brought her camera for this very special occasion, the picture turns out great and definitely memorable for me. I can't wait for the picture to be posted, guess I can be a little bit more patient, at least for now :p :P :p :P

After the red box, we went to my house to play 'black dog'.. If you wonder what is that, ask any chinese by the street, they should know what I'm referring to >D Funny thing is thing got out of control when it comes to 'in-between' session , it feels like we were playing 'heart-attack' when the 'treats' continue to add up! I'm sure not many familiar with this card game. Basically, you get two cards and the third card has to be within the range of the two previous cards. Before the third card is revealed, it is your call to decide what amount you want to invest. Either you get your call amount or you have to place the amount on the table. Let says the table have 10 treats you get card 1 and card 10, your call is 10 treats or we call it 'all'. Third card reveals card 5 so you get to collect your treats. If third card reveals card K, you have to add exactly the amount you call to the table. Ultimately, your win depends on your third card and the range!
The tricks is to find the right timing and not to be a greedy person. I didn't win, one of my guest had the honor, obviously I'm a greedy one >< but the process was entertaining and enjoyable.. :)

Before I end this post, I want to say GONG XI FA CHAI may everyone have a prosperous year, bless with health, love, luck and success. Once again Happy New Year!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Special Occasion

Balik Pulau, it means back to the island and it also happen to be the name of my hometown where I grew up. Today is CNY 30th night where the Chinese get along for a reunion. It has been awhile since I last visited my grandparent house and it feels good to me, i was pretty excited to meet up with them. It was a bumpy ride way up to the wooden house located upper base of the mountain; everything by the roadside : trees, rocks and rivers is no longer recognizable for me anymore. But one thing did not change is the warm welcoming of my grandpa and grandma. By the time I got up there, the sweet aroma from the kitchen was already filled up the air and some was even served by my aunt and my gramma. Once the praying ceremony is done, "eat up" is the only appropriate word to say. The dishes was amazing, my cousin had three bowls of rice! I was more into the friend chicken lol. My brothers and I had a great time there, we stayed there and chit-chatted for hours and finally decided to put an end for that exact moment as there is more celebration to come! Few couple hours later, another praying ceremony is going to start @@ I better take a rest now and pray to god for a better year for everyone~

Friday, February 12, 2010

My First Blog

Friday night, 12th February, 2010. As usual I were browsing the net and I found some interesting people who talk about their lives on their blog. I was thinking "hey why not start my very own blog?' I always wanted to start a blog, meanwhile getting million of excuses for not owning one (busy college life,overwhelmed work,dull socialize..etc etc.) Since I'm graduated from IICP about 2 months ago and finally getting a short-term of carefree life, so here I am, putting down my life experience in words.
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