My internet has been down for 2 days and so the following post is actually an abridge of my condense back-to-back post, like condensed milk. Okay, maybe not that one! @@
I enjoy winter from the bottom of my heart, I seriously do!
I like cuddling in my ice-cold bed with layers of warm blanky.
Nothing feels like waking up as early as 8 for a healthy morning walk.
This morning, I went for couponing in 46 Fahrenheit outside.
The breezy air is definitely freezing than I can ever imagine!
My face, my ears and my hands turn stiff and numb.
My nose turns red like Santa's reindeer.
And worse, my whole body is paralyzed when the wind blows.
Sometimes, my cap drifted away along the current.
Luckily, my coat, beania and hand gloves save the day.
The town of Lafayette is full of Christmas spirit I'll say.
I see Christmas wallpaper smoothly wrapped the door with glitter effect.
I see blow up dolls like Santa and his reindeer.
I see signs like
Santa stops here,
Merry X'mas and
Let it snow.
I see 6 feet tall gigantic nutcracker, which is creepy btw.
I see Christmas trees and Christmas lights.
That is all I can remember..
But one thing I will never forget that is X'mas holiday is Awesome!
Some houses are decorated with Christmas ornaments before the month of Christmas; most houses are in set and ready to party within a week before Christmas.
As for mine, It almost done. =)
The day before yesterday, I've received my first x'mas present!
Guess wad? It's a queen size bed.
I have to return my king size bed since it wasn't mine at first place.
In other sense, my bed is downsized!
But for some reason, I like my new bed more.
It fits me well and just as comfy as I thought.
The bed by itself costs $199 USD!
Thx dad!