HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas lights in America [edited]

Finally, the trimmed version of Christmas lights in America.
I hold on to my promise! Woah!
Didn't see that coming.. Never did..

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas lights in America

Hey guys, how's Christmas? Good?
Sorry for the short update, I may edit the post here and there.
Yeah.. Maybe but maybe not.. It depends..
My original back-to-back post for x'mas has failed!
For the past hours, I'm having trouble with the blogger video upload.
The video posted here is not well trimmed.
Almost a footage as you can see.
Just ignore the background talking and focus on the deco!

P.S do not miss the last part!
It is a very fancy house!
I don't want to spoil it for yah!
So go look for it! You won't regret!
Again, sorry for the poorly made clip.
Not trying to come up for any excuse but..
Really, really, I'm all worn out by the festival!
Tired tired tired.. But, worth it!
I hope you guys enjoy your holiday too!
Feliz Navidad!(=

Christmas Day!

Christmas is now officially my favorite holiday!
This is the best Christmas I ever had with my beloved family.
In fact, everything works out just as we planned.
Everybody is so relax, we all stay inside the warm house having steamboat in a chilly day.
It was raining since 4 a.m and finally ceased the next morning but the snow never came along.
It wasn't a white Christmas this year but indeed a warmhearted Christmas.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve in U.S.A

X'mas treats from Lessie, my colleague.

My Christmas Eve's dinner special! Yum~

My bedroom window view


Track to success!

Isn't she pretty?

I set up the light.. kind of.. Okay my dad did.. He's the man!

Reaching for the star! Weee~

Is this ♥ at first sight? Can you feel the love tonight?

Yeah! That's my finger! You like it?

Happy Family

Will you marry me? lol

Merry X'mas!

The dustbin on the yard is a substitute for camera stand!

Have a holy night everyone!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fame for teens!

Good genes, great hairstyle, nice clothes and upper class lifestyle.
Isn't it great to experience one of those teen celebrities lifestyle.
Even for just a few couple of hours?
It will definitely be a short-lived fantasy for me.
I never really had any fancy hair cut until my eleventh grade.
That was right after my graduation and I need not shave bald for dumb school rules and regulation.
Make students shave their heads doesn't makes them smarter!
It only makes them look dumb and take sux picture!

I just had two amateurs cut my hair.
Well, what can I say .. U.S hairstyle is damn expensive.
Luckily, It's winter and wearing cap is a trend here.
Perhaps Santa's hat for tomorrow Christmas Eve will works?
Merry X'mas to all Bloggers.. ♥

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Achieve Your Dreams through Alphabet

Learn your A-Z today

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Spirit

My internet has been down for 2 days and so the following post is actually an abridge of my condense back-to-back post, like condensed milk. Okay, maybe not that one! @@

I enjoy winter from the bottom of my heart, I seriously do!
I like cuddling in my ice-cold bed with layers of warm blanky.
Nothing feels like waking up as early as 8 for a healthy morning walk.
This morning, I went for couponing in 46 Fahrenheit outside.
The breezy air is definitely freezing than I can ever imagine!
My face, my ears and my hands turn stiff and numb.
My nose turns red like Santa's reindeer.
And worse, my whole body is paralyzed when the wind blows.
Sometimes, my cap drifted away along the current.
Luckily, my coat, beania and hand gloves save the day.

The town of Lafayette is full of Christmas spirit I'll say.
I see Christmas wallpaper smoothly wrapped the door with glitter effect.
I see blow up dolls like Santa and his reindeer.
I see signs like Santa stops here, Merry X'mas and Let it snow.
I see 6 feet tall gigantic nutcracker, which is creepy btw.
I see Christmas trees and Christmas lights.

That is all I can remember..
But one thing I will never forget that is X'mas holiday is Awesome!
Some houses are decorated with Christmas ornaments before the month of Christmas; most houses are in set and ready to party within a week before Christmas.
As for mine, It almost done. =)

The day before yesterday, I've received my first x'mas present!
Guess wad? It's a queen size bed.
I have to return my king size bed since it wasn't mine at first place.
In other sense, my bed is downsized!
But for some reason, I like my new bed more.
It fits me well and just as comfy as I thought.
The bed by itself costs $199 USD!
Thx dad!

Friday, December 17, 2010

All I want for X'mas

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is an endless list of desires and wants.

My top 10 most wanted list for x'mas this year.. I say this year.. lol..

1- A Christmas Tree
2- White Christmas
3- A bicycle
4- Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead
5- Nikon Coolpix S8000
6- New ipod nano
7- An iphone 4G
8- Lots of foods and treats
9- Holiday Cash
10-Someone's leg to keep warm with in a cold night

Nvm the last one, I can't really think of anything else.
Beside, It's creepy. I know I am sick and twisted. Thank you very much.
What I really want for Christmas is fun and joy to all my cool friends and my lovely family. ♥

On the side note, this is the plan for my first x'mas in the States.
First of all, I am going to set up lighting and bulbs for my X'mas tree, NOT the virtual x'mas tree on top my blog.
Next,I am going to do lots and lots of shopping at Walmart.
Finally I am going to wait for the arrival of Christmas day and celebrate!
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Naughty or Nice

Oh boy, I am getting charcoals for sure..
On top of that, I wanna wish you guys a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart ♥ Feliz Navidad!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Evening

I woke up not 6 in the morning but evening.
I saw this cool looking x'mas tree was lighting up in front of my window.
Like a 6 years old kid who has found his treasure under the holly tree..
Thinking to myself, hey that's my first x'mas tree outside my room!
It feels so magical, like the yearning x'mas day is finally arriving.

I always have my window lids closed so nobody can peek into my room.
But today is an exception.
My eyes are now resting on the rainbow light bulbs in awe.
It's beautiful..

I brush out the cold air without a jacket on just to snap a photo of me and mr.tree. I can't wait to set up the other tree for x'mas!
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