HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Superbowl 2011

Funny Superbowl ads

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good feelings

The sight of fluffy white clouds floating in the sky..
The smell of freshly trimmed grass filling up the air..
The melody of trumpet in triumph as I walked the hallway..
With a perfect combo of balance diet sandwiches for breakfast..
No worries, no stress, no burden..
Just calm, peaceful and serene..
I had a wonderful morning today.. =)

Here's something to cheer up my friends..
It is a picture of baby t-rex! Isn't he awesome?

He looks like eevee, don't you think?
Alright, have a good day people!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

School Sux

What's up Ken. So how was school today? Many asked.

Yup, class has finally begun after a few weeks of short winter break and now I am officially back to UL. I was exciting at first but it turned out to be worse than what I have expected. Why?
Cuz my day sux and that's why.

Apparently I am not an umbrella guy, which means I could always care less about the weather forecast. I did not grab my warm jacket before I leave the house even though I felt the chill in the car while warming up the engine. The idea of running back to the house to grab my jacket did not came across my mind cuz I thought the sun will eventually rise and warm up the green. Then I am nothing better than a monk with an umbrella on a rainy day. Translate to English it means unnecessary. Make sense? No?

Well, I thought wrong! The day gets colder and it drops drastically from 50 Fahrenheit to the freezing point. It was first day of class and as usual, I have to scout around the campus looking for the right building. As my chest tightens and breathing gets harder, I felt like I could pass out in any second and fell into a pit hole or something. Then, somebody dug out my body from 50 inches snow few weeks later. But in some way, I rather Lafayette to be snow. Yeah, It was a pathetic thinking.

Funny thing about UL, my math class was cancel on the first day of class. This never happen before but let's hope I did not lose a promising lecturer. So basically, that is how my first day at school.
More update soon.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


1.11.11 is undeniable a beautiful date..
What a nice way to end today with school starts tomorrow..
Tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow..
Will there be another beautiful date like this all align together..
Who knows.. Life is like a box of chocolate.. You will never know..
The higher the wall, the greater the bliss when overcoming obstacle..
But the greatest happiness often comes with the least expectation..
The best plan is not to plan anything.. Go with the flows..
Be moderate, cuz people will sense your ego..
Open your ears, open your eyes and open your heart for empathy..
Be an impact and not an ignorant brat..
That's my goal for this year..

Thursday, January 6, 2011


This is a cucumber..

Now this is squashes..

How do you tell the difference?
I went to Adrien to get Japanese cucumber for my sushi brunch.
Japanese cucumber is smaller with wrinkles on it, just like squash.
Apparently I missed the big sign that says SQUASH!
So I have to make a second trip back to Adrien to get it right!
Strange thing in U.S that you can return almost any goods as long as you keep the resit.. Even underwear, just don't leave any trace you have wore them before.. Like your DNA?
No, I have never done any of that in case you are wondering.. lol
Anyway, I have a satisfying meals today. =)

Does anyone has a glow stick?
Cuz It feels like techno here..
I'll use my leftover squash If I have to! o.O
Just kidding.. You know me.. XD

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Time for Techno!

It's time for techno!
I apologies for the boisterous bgm.
Do turn it off if it's too loud.
I'm thinking of changing my blog layout as well..
Techno theme could be a challenge though..
Space-like blog? I dunno..
Oh well.. I'll leave it just the way he is..

Sunday, January 2, 2011


1111, a brand new year dedicated for wants..
Don't afraid to dream for the best and live for your dream..
Over the year of 2010, I have gain a better outlook in live and gain more appreciation of my life before today.
Sincerely hope everything run smoothly this year.
Wish all my friends and family in their best shape.
May you all have a great start on this new year of 2011.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Nothing feels like a New Year with a great dine in, no need to do any prep works or worry about cleaning the dishes afterward. Just sit there, chill, relax and wait for people to serve you. Good deal huh?

The best part is you just dump all your workloads on your hand and just let it all go.. Pick up nobody call, need not worry your colleagues can't do anything with you, no strict uniform, no rules, no nothing but pure enjoyment.

My cousin came and picked me up from the pizza stall. Instead, we went to a Thai food restaurant. Man.. That was some hot stuffs there! Never had any real spicy food since I got here. I mean, Cajuns food was good but on the scale of spiciness from 1 to 5, not even pass the test.

Alright, I hope your guys have a nice, prosperous new year and I see you guys next year! Happy New Year~
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