HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

Check movie Table

Mail Us your query

Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday

Today is Black Friday where everywhere is on sales!
Correction: Black Friday is when half of the town ran out of electricity.
The lights went back on after an hour, quite efficient I have to say.

I didn't went for the black market but I heard everything was cheap. A TV that worths $1000 now drops to $300.. You can even get a sandwiches toast machine for $6 bucks.

Lafayette is a dead town today..
I went to school this morning and the streets were clear and as expected I spotted no one in uni. Well, that was right after I realized I don't have classes on holiday. LoL!

Probably everyone is back to hometowns enjoying leftover foods from yesterday Thanksgiving. When I first heard of Turducken, which happens to be a blend of turkey-duck-chicken meats, I thought they stuff the whole chicken in a duck and then shove it inside a turkey from the back. i.e...
Like this:

But the actual form will be like this:

It was cold today and I only had a t-shirt on.
37 Fahrenheit is equivalents to 3 degree Celsius from where I came.
Lessie treats me a cup of hot Astor chocolate with marshmallows on top..
Ahh.. thx to her, I can feel my fingers again..
It somehow reminds me of Iced dark lindth chocolate I had with Den on a cold night in Sydney!

Yummy.. Yummy.. I am starving again...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

You heard me right, Happy Thanksgiving!

This is my first year celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and friends beside a pond! Best joke of the day was before we start eating, someone said thanks god for the god! Ops! This shows how often we pray ... only when we are desperate for a miracle!

Now I'm lying on my bed thinking what a wonderful day I had..
We eat, we laugh, we fish,
Women yell at excitement when pond fish emerges the surface,
Fishes splash and bounce everywhere..
Forming thousands of circular waves..
Like an elegant water ballet lives on a pond.
And then, a flock of wild ducks flew by the sky forming a rainbow,
Pure white, dark, blue and green stripes, muddy brown and brick red..
Playful T-rex chases the ducks away from the fish foods,
T-rex barks and shows them who is the boss here,
Little baby screeches back in high pitch,
Like a perfect duet between a boy and a man's best friend..
The wide pond is like a natural acoustic room,
Like a grand concert except with off notes..
It was a fun holiday..

I had the best hot Japanese Sake and spring roll in my life.
The Yong Tao Fu and ginger soup with rice cake were nice too..
Everything is great!
Too bad I do not have any pictures with me.
I try to enjoy the moments before I ruined them by shunning camera onto people's faces all the time..
Oh wait, I do not have camera anymore..
Anyone getting me one?? It's thanksgiving! LoL!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Taking a step one at a time

So I was babbling on my last post..
I dun even remember what I talked about last time..
I have to go back to check but one thing for sure, I was over worried.
The result was out yesterday and I got 94 for both my engineering and math papers!
I don't remember when was the last time I score so high for my maths..
100 will be great but 94 is good enough for me..
I definitely feel great about this..
This takes me one more step closer to what I want..
Better keep up my good works as my finals are arriving..
Tick Tick Tick.. Clock ticking..
But I will try not to stress myself and breakdown on final.
Here a song to introduce before I go! Adios!

Taking a trip down memory lane
Things have changed One thing remains
That they will always have each other
And even though those days have gone
They know here is where they belong
There's some kinda magic in the air

Feel the warmth
That only summer breezes can bring
Sweet little notes of spring begin
Nothing to fear

Taking one step at a time
Walking hand in hand
1 2 3 4
Cheek to cheek
And they're learning How to do that dance
Let this love be forever more they say
I wish for this, to be true for you and me

Holding her close he leading the way
Out at the park Enjoying the Day
And you can tell they'll be ok
Feel the warmth
That only summer breezes can bring
Sweet little notes of spring begin
Nothing to fear

Taking one step at a time
Walking hand in hand
1 2 3 4
Cheek to cheek
And they're learning How to do that dance
Let this love be forever more they say
I wish for this, to be true for you and me

Taking one step at a time
Walking hand in hand
1 2 3 4
Cheek to cheek
And they're learning How to do that dance
Let this love be forever more they say
I wish for this, to be true for you and me
To be true for you and me
To be true for you and me
You and me
You and me

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sign me a V truce

Ops! I think I just pushed the destruction button on me!

I'm slacking again..
I can tell by just looking at my workloads stacking high like an inverted pyramid while me busy sitting in front of the monitor screen doing nothing..

Lately, I have a doubt on whether I should make new friends or not.. Some ppl may thought I am crazy for bringing this up. Well that's because not everyone knew I wasn't an active socialist or I wasn't allowed to be one. Let's just leave it here cuz this is kind of personal issue.

Anyway, I have been bothered lately.. I believe someone has infiltrated my life. I have to admit I am Impressed on how these ppl get their hands on these information but I guess there are no secrets in this peaceful-looking town. I just wish everything equalizes out but not putting me on the spot as a laughable joke. One thing I realize is that If you want peace, then prepare for war. So here am I fighting for the so-called freedom, something I cling to wherever I go. I only wish people dun see me as an arrogant being but If I have to be them in order to be their friends. Then, be it..

Maybe I'm just exhausted, worn off. I am aggravate for some times as everything seem to get on my nerve. Even eenie meenie things could sum up to be gigantic snowball, fresh from Everest Oven. There are always problems everywhere, like pest that always come back for free stay. FYI, roaches shit on my school bag last week and I couldn't care less. That partly explains why I am so moody lately. On the up side, at least that is not the worst that ever happened on me. Remember my post on lizards? lol

To be fair, I have been ill lately as winter arriving soon. The weather is turning cold and dry, so am I. I just wish time may slows down and signs me a momentarily truce. No worries, I'll be back pretty soon. I just wish my body pain could go away.. Right now, bed rest for sure! Before I go, I apologize for my lack-of-organization post and probably errors here and there.. Oh well.. Hakuna Matata!

Give me a V
Give me an O
GooOOo Peace!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Cam-whoring with T-rex

This is T-rex the pomeranian dog ... In My Room! Rawrr!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quack, I am!

"I'm running late again..
What was the room number again?
Shoot! Wrong floor! Go down stair!"

I say to myself.

*Thud! I slipped and sat on the staircase with an aching foot!
There! Mr.Clumsy did it again!
Good no one noticed me!
This is so bizarre cuz I should worry about my fudging foot not my ruined image!
Not that everyone knew the new geek with a cap anyway.

I sprained my ankle weeks ago and now my foot.
*Tch! It just getting better and better huh?
I got up and limped to my class.
The fall hurts for awhile and the pain eases out after a sporadic gentle strokes.

Today,I was the only kid on my table and I sat far behind so no one knew my event.
Now don't get me wrong, I do have some friends.
They didn't show up because the exam was over yesterday,
so it was an unofficial "Holiday" for them.

I went to class as usual and I'm glad I did.
The teacher decided to give back the exam paper,
students were given ten minutes to make whatever changes with the paper.
Like you, all the eyes in the room sparkled up,
Ears stood up in disbelief,
Jaws dropped to the marble floor.

The exam wasn't that hard,
I only got 1 question wrong and minor mistakes here and there.
But that question can drops my grade from A to B!
Scary huh? Welcome to the club!

What I'm trying to say here is everyone had a bad day..
But don't ever give up until someone officially call it off.
I am so glad that I went back home and look up for the mistakes I made in the exam.
Of course, thx to my kind lecturer for helping out her students.

Second thing that I learn today is never massage only single foot, do it on both.
I walked around the school with a loosen left foot and a heavy right foot.
Bet I look like a duck emerges from the pond.
I thought I fixed my foot but apparently I am a disqualified doctor!
I'm a quack!
Haha! Get it? Quack as in act as a medical quack..
*Ahem, on second thought, scratch the quack talk..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hakuna Matata Sunshine!

Sunrise and sunset, like the way my heart felt.

Trying to be perfect could be boring sometimes..
But, Ignorance could be one's destiny..
Doom is everyone ultimate final destination..
Yet, a purposeful life is better than a jumbled puzzle..
What could be worse than tangled up in a maze of bewilderment..

Destiny is just some people talking..
I believe in fighters..
Again, I am a lost soldier..
I try not to overlook the good things I have..
As sometimes I felt bad things overshadowed me..
They stop me from shinning inside out..
I just want to be free and still be the person who can get a job done..
Please let my true nature shine through the world..

Ah...What a beautiful sunset.
I say that whenever I see one..
All those events could be a message from sunset..
Everything happens for a reason..
I know I'm alive for a reason..
As long as I feel a beat from heart..
Sending vibes to all my vines..
Nudging me with lively pulse asking me not to give up..
I am a brand new person once again..

The sun is now set and I'm lying on my bed thinking...
Sunrise will surely come back to me..
The warm beam going to pierce through my bedroom window again..

From Lion King piece, Hakuna Matata! It means no worries for the rest of your day.. Good night folks!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Letting out...

I believe in lucks...
But I also believe in hard works..
That is why I should stop staring at the monitor screen and start working!
Busy Busy Busy Busy...

This is officially now my hwk past time song.. lol
Mr.Curiosity by Jason Mraz..

Monday, November 8, 2010

Melody of Melancholy..

(click at the bottom-right of the button to pause)

The solo in silent night

...The same old melody always brought me back ... the people and the place...
...when I first heard this piece...

...My body trembles again...
...When the notes hit hard...
...Sending me pulse of strange vibe...

...Yet a familiar note found deep down within...
...Echoing back in harmony...
...Like a harmonica and a country voice...

...Music is the universal language...
...Every song tells a story...
...Now you know my story...

...Pachelbel Canon, a fancy restaurant my family brought me...
...Kiss the rain, a song I put up in Friendster for my schoolmates...
...River flows in you, a farewell piece by a colleague...


Cut myself with a carrot skin peeler.
Knocked my hands into the table.
Tripped myself over a damn alarm clock.

Bruises and scratch marks all over the places.
Like troop return from the war
Since when I let clumsy defines me?

Thinking all night long..
What kind of person am I really?

The Undefinable Number One

Far away from home,
In a search mission of me within me,
Every move I make,
Knowing It could be a mistake,

When I am lost in nowhere,
Loosing sense, loosing me,
Who to judge and who can blame.
Looking for a right word to define river in me.

The same old song plays in different place,
To see those black and white pieces dance,
Reminds me of who I were once upon a time,
How I wish I can go back in time when I were twelve.

When I hear you whisper,
What is life?
Where is future?
Why and how can't you not see?

Being FREE is unique,
Like fashion always repeat itself in a cyclical nature,
Let the undefinable continue,
For you are always my fine number #1

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back 2 Blog

Hello everybody! Miss me?? Guess not..
I know I have been gone for like forever!
People must have thought I am vanished into thin air for some good reason.

To keep you guys update, I am currently an undergraduate student in UL Lafayette, Louisiana and my major is double E engineering.
Right now, I enjoy being in the States, my all-times dream land.

Time flies and 3 months slipped away through my flimsy fingers,
and I finally settle down here as everything gradually went back to normal.
I call it the honeymoon stage and It sure is one short-lived carefree 'vacation'.

Three things to deal with, I'm juggling between my study, my work and foremost my new life.
Oh lord, I need to work on my social life too..
This is hard but nobody ever say this being easy..
So here am I, trying to make a miracle happens.
As Malay proverb goes sedikit-sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit,
The progress may be slow but the process always pays off.

YahooOoo! I signed up for AT&T few days ago. Finally! A working Internet Connection!
The whole High Speed Internet Installation process gave me a hard time.
The technician from my back-home used to visit and to get the Internet hooked up in no time. While In the States, I try do everything by myself when everything is 3.33 times more expensive.

OML I spent for at least an hour on the phone calling the Help Desk for help.
That's the longest call I have made in the States with a total random stranger!
I'm glad that he is being patient while my old lappy getting its soporific reboot.

My newly connected Internet line is running perfectly smooth!
Lovin' the speed! Well, It's about time!
My blog is dead and I can almost visual the pungent smell floating around..
Time to brush up my blog!
*Yawn.. On second thought.. maybe tomorrow..
I have a small test coming on this Friday.
I thought I could slip in here for awhile and keep my mind occupy here..
My blog is like a safe haven to me..
It kept my brain from rusting.. and It got me thinking all the times..

Speaking of which, I wanted to give my blog a name.
I got this crazy idea from my colleague/old friend/blogger-pal or just Den. lol..
Should I call my blog Ed Junior?
I have adopted the American name, Ed for quite awhile..
It is similar to my middle name, Aik and I don't see why It is not plausible.
Eventually, I switched it back to Ken for easy reference.

You know what? I probably should call my blog ken junior.

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