HTML Assignment

What is your favorite movie?

Please choose from below.

First Movie Image BORAT
Third Movie Image NEZHA
Below is numbered list of website links
  1. Borat
  2. kingsglaive final fantasy xv
  3. Nezha
Below is Movie Link for sub page table.html

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Movie Table

Movie Name Type Rating
Borat Comedy 10
Kingsglaive Action thriller 8
Nezha Drama adventure 9

Friday, April 30, 2010

SAT on Saturday

SAT on Saturday, big exam, and BIG question mark on what am I doing here? To be frank, I just made a plan with my old friend to hang out on Saturday after my big SAT. I hope they stick to the plan cuz god know how many days and how many weeks I got stuck at home with my SAT books, intertwined with all the spiders and red ants. You know, just socializing. They are my only companions when friends in need, I got pretty intimate with them. But I still hate red ants though! For trespassing my 'privacy' and simply targeting on my vulnerable part. Just saying, we had bad romance. (Leave a comment and tell me if I'm being gross and maybe I try to be gross for only once a week) Gosh blogging is hard, I wonder how people accomplish that and still keeping a vast variety of readers. How people blog for living by managing over 100 of blogs at one single time? I'll give them the highest accolade for such accomplishment. Oh Oh, I'm straying from my topic, I hope this will never happen on my SAT essay. To sum up, I am having rough times here! I wasn't complaining but the experience was unbearable.

I mention this so many time and I'm saying this all over again, I want the scholarship so badly and it really got me worried all sudden when I don't see my score Improving much on the practice session. I mean I did a little math, big chance for me on getting the score I want, very consistent, nothing to worry, but you-know-me, always blank-out during exam and this is what got me worry the most. A score of 1160 is easy to pull out but not that easy, time-factor, mind block and all that stuff count. Anyway, shout out to my dear friend, Jennifer for all the useful SAT advice, appreciate your help and willingness to share your SAT experience. Bear Hug for you! Alright, I better get back to my books.. Okie dokki, wish me luck!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Worst Technician Ever

Multitasking comic - click to enlarge

Hey guys! Just a quick review on yesterday and today incidents that bug me till now. So I was sleeping the other day until an unfamiliar voice woke me up, I jumped out of my bed and saw the same technician from my February and March posts -Burglar Broke Into My House? & Lamest Neighbor In The History! You guys do notice there was a search box on top of the page right?

I wonder what time he got here, obviously some setting went wrong with my new alarm system again. He talked so loud, practically shouting and I wonder why. Worst case was his brusque speech jerked me awake for at least 3 time. Gosh I was so sO sooo tired yesterday cuz I did not slept well for the entire week, and he was the one who being so inconsiderate here. Sleeping disorder had made me kind of slump but I couldn't help overheard his conversation with the other technician on the phone (speaker mode). One thing I was getting mad for him being an inconsiderate being, second thing was when he said "Oh I screwed up and I kind of forgot the code, I have to do this all over again). That was yesterday and he was here again this morning.

Okay, before I even started, I have to clarify things up. He uses mobile all the time, half chit-chatting but mostly ask for guidance from others. To speak frankly, he was the worst technician ever. He blames the new alarm system, he censures his boss; he grumble at almost everything. I mean... doesn't he attend any training program? Why must he ask for people to teach him through the phone. Or instead of him, why can't he just send other who proficiency in this era to repair my alarm?

All day long, I kept on hearing him swearing "Mampui Mampui" and kept on complaining "Tonight no need go home already lah". But strange thing was I caught him resting his eye balls on the television-set (my bro watching 铁马寻桥) while talking on the phone and fixing the alarm box without even looking. Bravo, he got some amazing multitasking skill??

I know human brain is consider extremely speedy and recent study had illustrated how the brain can simultaneously keep track of separate aims at the same exact moment, regardless how busy performing a task related to one of the goals. But doesn't he goes too far, you think? I don't know.. All I know is that he is bothering me and I can't even concentrate on my SAT preparation. I am not sure is it my imagination or what but whenever I looked back, his eyes always met mine and he kind of pretend to look away..It creeps me out. Nah don't bother, I always imagine stuff like that. But one thing for sure, I have a feeling that he is going to stick for awhile.. Oh boy.. Oh boy..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Caged and Fussy

So It has been awhile.. What happening around me? I've no idea. To explain this, I have disconnected from the real world for the past month. Unless you call the Internet a real world, but It's still an abstract world that connects to the physical world. I always believe in something you can touch or feel is real; body flesh is soft with texture, and body temperature is warm. But what about emotion? Does the feeling of sadness and loneliness tangible at all? Maybe we should all become monks in quest then we don't have to deal with emotions.. Nah! In second thought, I rather live in misery If I have to be parted from meat and wine.

Sigh.. This is hard.. People around me, they keep changing.. To worsen thing up, I found myself derived aloof from them as the calender page being tore. Great, another Ironic version of my character. I couldn't help it, and it's not beyond my control. The proverb goes we do not remember by days, we remember moments says everything. Someone I knew had became part of my memory and no longer the person I vaguely remember. Although we still regard each other as bff but bff don't keep secrets. You forget I am a good expression reader, or maybe you are the worst actor I have ever seen. I saw guilt and worry. Two years ago I would have forced the words out of you but the fact that how fast I react this time ... and totally cool with it show another sign of me changing. Conversation attempt was almost an Impossible task when new friends are around. But what amazed me most Is that I can communicate even better with strangers than the new you.

I use to regard the chain sms very annoying and lifeless. I mean I get it, we are best friends and forever will be! What could possibly change, right? Ek! I was wrong. Until the other day, I received friendship chain message and I actually forwarded the same message to quite a number of people. Sadly, It's not longer the same overwhelmed replies I used to get from everyone. But It was actually nice and warm when I receive one of these regards from my old friends now and then. And if I receive these from new friends, I appreciate them even more, regardless lifeless or not. But do not ever send me chain message like "If you don't send this message in 1 hour, your mother will butt-raped by some homeless man". And then at the end, those idiots will apologize for sending this message ... telling you they were forced to send and they just want their moms to be safe ... No kidding, I received message like this on Mother's Day. What on earth people would want to spread these curses? I guess there are people even more crazier than me or my brothers.

Story above was actually origin from some of my past memories, and I wanted to share these with all of my readers. Friendship are really fragile, but the footprints they left behind in my heart will never be washed away by the stream.

In spite of having a poor memory and being a cat-lover (wait, does cats really have bad memories?), I shall never forget all of you. When you devoted yourself to one people, you will only get one of the two results : A lesson of your life or a good person. Anyway, my point is no harm trusting people; In your entire life you will encounter both good friends and bad friends. Of course, only when faith is true.. Lmao, the word frequency of 'friends' is sure high indeed. Yeah.. friends is the word of the week.

Oh before I forget, I have a SAT test in about 8 days, approximately 1 week. It was an Important test for me because It determines whether I could get in the university I want. If I do it correctly, I'll also get my scholarship. I was nervous, not going to lie or to conceal anything. Though I have done muet, IELTS and TOEFL, but SAT was really hard. I hope I do well, finger crossed. Craps! It's about time for my second round revision. Okay, I'm done here. Bye~

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey Yo! About 2 weeks to SAT test

讲福建话也没有slang! *ouch!
记得有一次想形容一对couple very romantic却写成‘烂’漫去.

“反正就是你啦!" Hey please,这是什么思想概念啊?这样公平吗?

而是性格钢对铁,够硬,so peace out

It takes two to have a conversation, I hope you get it.
Also, never scold me like the day I ignore you for some reason.
and came 'apologize' later by censuring me for bad communication.
I know it's not easy for you to say sorry but I accept how it is.
Whatever happened, happened and I'm not going to review the past.
So I ain't leaking any information here.
Ask me personally if you wanna know. :]

哎呀,拼音拼得好辛苦! 找到字又不确定会不会用词不当。
看来这是我第一个也是最后一个mandarin/English/cantonese's post了!
Maybe I should blend in Bahasa Malaysia as well.
Then we'll have enriched rojak language here,
Only in
It's Malaysia after all. 哈!
换一个心情罢了 =) Bye guys!

原唱者celine dion演示得比较有意境。不妨听一下。

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