So It has been awhile.. What happening around me? I've no idea. To explain this, I have disconnected from the real world for the past month. Unless you call the Internet a real world, but It's still an abstract world that connects to the physical world. I always believe in something you can touch or feel is real; body flesh is soft with texture, and body temperature is warm. But what about emotion? Does the feeling of sadness and loneliness tangible at all? Maybe we should all become monks in quest then we don't have to deal with emotions.. Nah! In second thought, I rather live in misery If I have to be parted from meat and wine.
Sigh.. This is hard.. People around me, they keep changing.. To worsen thing up, I found myself derived aloof from them as the calender page being tore. Great, another Ironic version of my character. I couldn't help it, and it's not beyond my control. The proverb goes
we do not remember by days, we remember moments says everything. Someone I knew had became part of my memory and no longer the person I vaguely remember. Although we still regard each other as bff but bff don't keep secrets. You forget I am a good expression reader, or maybe you are the worst actor I have ever seen. I saw guilt and worry. Two years ago I would have forced the words out of you but the fact that how fast I react this time ... and totally cool with it show another sign of me changing. Conversation attempt was almost an Impossible task when new friends are around. But what amazed me most Is that I can communicate even better with strangers than the new you.
I use to regard the
chain sms very annoying and lifeless. I mean I get it, we are best friends and forever will be! What could possibly change, right? Ek! I was wrong. Until the other day, I received friendship chain message and I actually forwarded the same message to quite a number of people. Sadly, It's not longer the same overwhelmed replies I used to get from everyone. But It was actually nice and warm when I receive one of these regards from my old friends now and then. And if I receive these from new friends, I appreciate them even more, regardless lifeless or not. But do not ever send me chain message like "If you don't send this message in 1 hour, your mother will butt-raped by some homeless man". And then at the end, those idiots will apologize for sending this message ... telling you they were forced to send and they just want their moms to be safe ... No kidding, I received message like this on Mother's Day. What on earth people would want to spread these curses? I guess there are people even more crazier than me or my brothers.
Story above was actually origin from some of my past memories, and I wanted to share these with all of my readers. Friendship are really fragile, but the footprints they left behind in my heart will never be washed away by the stream.
In spite of having a poor memory and being a cat-lover (wait, does cats really have bad memories?), I shall never forget all of you. When you devoted yourself to one people, you will only get one of the two results : A lesson of your life or a good person. Anyway, my point is no harm trusting people; In your entire life you will encounter both good friends and bad friends. Of course, only when faith is true.. Lmao, the word frequency of 'friends' is sure high indeed. Yeah.. friends is the word of the week.
Oh before I forget, I have a SAT test in about 8 days, approximately 1 week. It was an Important test for me because It determines whether I could get in the university I want. If I do it correctly, I'll also get my scholarship. I was nervous, not going to lie or to conceal anything. Though I have done muet, IELTS and TOEFL, but SAT was really hard. I hope I do well, finger crossed. Craps! It's about time for my second round revision. Okay, I'm done here. Bye~